Mixed Emotions ~ BBrae~

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Beastboy's POV

Pushing Terra on her wheelchair wasn't so hard. She was very skinny , so I didn't have a major problem. I am pretty strong too. As we passed by all the rooms, we finally arrived to that one old room nobody wants to mention. This room was Terra's room until I discovered she worked for Slade. I loved her with all my heart. Every single thought was about her. "Here we are", I told her with a tone of happiness. She didn't smile nor did she give a frown. Her lips were in a straight line that made me wonder why.

"Don't you ever wonder why the world is so colorful yet it feels so dark and gray?" She spoke while I just looked down at the floor. I haven't really thought about that because I know it isn't true. I wanted to tell her that, but she will just argue with me about it.

"Well, that's because its life" I shrugged. She let out a sad sigh and just went back to her straight face.
I wanted to ask what was wrong, but I was afraid to hear the answer. I knew she was sad about something. I couldn't help, but feel like it was all my fault.
"Beast boy" Her dry chipped lips spoke my name with a shaky voice. "Yes?" I asked.

"You can go now" Her voice cracked a little.

"But Terra....you need me to help you" I tried to explain to her about how I wasn't suppose to leave her alone.
"I can take care of myself" She looked out the window. I just gave up on trying to stay with her. I let out a sigh and just gave her a nod. I walked towards the door and just left.

While I walked down the dark shallow hallway, I mysteriously ended up standing near Raven's room. Should I go in or should I leave? If I go in then she would kill me. If I don't then the curiosity will grow. I just took my chances by just walking into the room. I looked around to see her lying on her bed. "Hey" I said a little awkward.

" Get out" She mumbled.

"No" I refused to leave her room because I want to talk to her about something.

"Get out" I could hear her voice get a little deeper with a but of hate. Now what did I do?

"No, Raven" I sighed. "Please just let me talk with you for a few minutes. That's all I ask you". I plead her. I was about to get on my knees, but that would be too much. She turned her head to look at me. Her purple eyes were starting directly towards my green eyes. It felt like she could read my soul and thoughts.

"Talk" She gave me permission.

"Okay so here it goes. I know you are probably still hurt about the accident, but trust me....It wasn't your fault--"

"Stop it!" She yelled. "Just stop! I know I mess things up all the time, so just stop it with your pity!" I could see teardrops starting to form in her eyes. I didn't want to hurt her in a bad way, but I guess I did. I feel like a horrible person ,for doing that.

"Its not pity. I just want to make you happy..." I looked down at the floor while my words just got a little bit quiet. There was a few seconds of silence until she told me the worst thing ever. "Beastboy, nobody can make me happy. I trusted someone to help me feel loved, but it didn't turn out well. Please just leave". I got her a nod and just walked out of the room.

Looks like I'm not wanted. I decided to go check on Starfire and Robin. I hope Robin is okay because if he Is not then Raven would never forgive herself. I knocked on the medical room door. Starfire answered the door with a huge smile in her soft lips. "Greetings friend Beastboy, what brings you here?" She looked directly at my eyes with pure confusion.

"Nothing really" I said "Just seeing if everything Is okay" I cooed while she looked down at the ground.

"Robin is doing better now. Hopefully Raven will too" I agree with her on this. Raven has been through a lot over the past few years with us. Her father trying to take over the world, not to mention that one time that this one jerk used her in a horrible way by making her feel loved when he was actually trying to take away her powers. "Hey Star?"

"Yes friend?"

" Hope Robin feels better soon."

"So do I" she whispered as she looked down at the ground. She closed the door with a frown while I just stood outside the room. Maybe I should buy everyone something nice to make their day better than it is now.

I made my way to the exit of the tower while I thought about what I was going to buy for everyone. When I opened the door, I saw someone standing cl

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