Story 14- Chapter 5- I Need You

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Raven's Point Of View

Terra and beastboy?

I kept saying to myself. I don't know why, but I feel something weird. Its like anger attacks me every single time I see Terra and beastboy together laughing at something.

I'm not jealous, its probably just some mixed emotions. Beastboy isn't even my type so why would I have feelings for him!?

"Friend Raven, do you care of going to the mall of shopping?" Starfire asked standing behind me. I really don't like shopping, I prefer reading a book.

"No" I answered.

"Please! Friend Terra will be there"

"Hello" Terra's voice appeared. Her voice even irritated me and I don't think that's normal. She's a friend, I'm not suppose to have negative feelings towards her.

Maybe the mall could do me some good.

"Fine" Starfire cheered at my answer while I just stood there with a blank face.


"Oh wouldn't this look adorable on friend Raven, Terra?"

"Uh...sure" Terra answered looking at something else.

"I'll take that as I no" I walked over the exit of the when I bumped into someone. I gasped when I noticed who is. Red X.

"Hello Raven. Surprise meeting you here"

"Azarath-Metrion-Zinthos" I said and my black magic picked him and I threw him to the right. Sure the glass of the window broke, but it was worth it right?

Starfire and Terra came running towards me a little worried.

"Raven, what happened!?" Terra asked

"I threw RedX over there" I explained referring to the dude with a black suit and Red X's on it.

Red X stood up looking furious at me.

" Why did you do that!? I only said hi!"

"Uh...your a villain so.." I tried to explain, but I couldn't. Starfire and Terra just giggled while I felt a little embarrassed.

Cyborg's Point Of View

"Yo, beastboy! Wanna play some video games?" I said as I walked in his room. He had his head down, looking at the ground. His ears were also a little down. This isn't beastboy at all.

"You okay BB?" I walked closer to him.

He sighted. "No, Terra is back Cy. How do you think I feel?"

"Well...I thought you would be happy to see her since well, you did love her" I explained.

"True, but I think I like...."

"you like..." I encouraged him to go on.

"Raven okay? I like her. She's just so beautiful and dark. That kind of attracts me to her" He smiled as he said the words. His smile fated when he said "But she probably doesn't like me.Raven loving a guy being the complete opposite of her is hard to be true. I mean, who would like me? Just look at me!" He was now crying. "I have green skin--"

"beastboy" I cut him off. "Any girl would be lucky to have you as there boyfriend. And don't ever be ashamed of you skin color" I warned him.

"You want to know something? My skin wasn't always green. It was like a peach color like everyone else. My parents did an experiment on me and everything went wrong. My skin got green and I got superpowers"

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