Story 14- Chapter 6- I need you

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Chapter 6. ✌

Robin's P.O.V.

" can let go of me" I said awkwardly while the girl with blue hair and blue eyes hugged me tightly. Well someone is stronger than me...

"Oops!" She let go. "Sorry, I'm kind of a girl who gets carried away" She explained and laughed awkwardly.

"Its fine" I assured her.

I turn around to walk over to Starfire when I noticed she was gone. I turned my head left and right trying to find her, but there was no success.

"What are you looking for?" The girl asked me.

" teammate" I answer still looking around everywhere.

"Maybe I can help you! I don't have anywhere to stay or do so I'm not bothered by helping you"

"That would be grea-" I stopped myself and looked at her. "You don't have anywhere to stay?" She shook her head and I felt immediately sorry for her.

"You can stay at the tower with us titans" I suggested and she squealed.

"That would be great! Thank you!" She hugged me again.





Starfire's Point Of View

I flew out of Robin's sight crying. I can't believe he even let her hug him when he has a girlfriend. I know I sound pretty selfish right now, but I can't control it. Its like anger is forming inside of me that doesn't want to go away.

I went straight to my room, ignoring everyone else who asked me what's wrong and where is Robin.

I dropped myself in the bed with no energy at all. My face was on the cold bed as I cried in silence.

I hear a knock on my door, but I don't bother to answer it.

"Starfire? Its me,Raven. Are you okay?"

"No" I whispered so Raven wouldn't hear my response. I do not want her to do the worrying for me.

Raven's Point Of View

I tried talking to her again, but she didn't answer at all. Something happened between Robin and her because she was last seen with him.

I hand was placed on my shoulder making me jump in surprise. Ugh! Now who's bothering me? I turn my head slightly raising an eyebrow. It was Terra looking a little sympathetic for some reason I don't know.

"How's Star? Is she okay? Is she hurt? Is she--"

"Terra! Slow down" I tried to calm her and she took deep breaths. "Better?" I asked and she gave me a nod.

"Starfire is fine. Its just a teenage problem everyone has to go threw. It will be over soon enough so don't worry"

She sighted and looked at me with her head a little bit down. "Be careful" she whispered and left. That was a big odd, I have to admit. I shrugged it off and headed to the living room. To my surprise, Robin and the others, were talking to a pretty girl.

"Uhh...hey" I said awkwardly. She looked over to me with a huge smile, almost like Starfire's.

"Hi, I'm pacifica! Nice to meet ya! Oh gosh, I love your outfit. Your hair is also lovely!" She covered her mouth and looked down upset.

"What's wrong?" Robin asked her, and I could see Robin feeling a little worried for her.

"I feel annoying. Many apologies!"

"No need to apologize! Your just being nice" She smiled up to Robin and he did the same.

"Hey Rae" Beastboy greeted while I just looked at him with no emotion on my face.

After a few seconds, he kept staring at me which creped me out a little so I decided to talk to him. "What beastboy?"

"You want to go see a movie?"

"Looks like someone is trying to be a man and ask his girl out" Cyborg wiggled his eyebrows in beastboy's direction.


"N-No! i-i just uh..." He struggled to get the words out. I just rolled my eyes and left. This is what I get for living with three boys and one girl.

Beastboy's Point Of View

Raven left without a word as I tried to explain. I looked at cyborg angrily. "Why did you do that!?" I screamed

"Just trying to help,man"

"Well it didn't work, did it?" I shook my head ashamed of Cyborg and just went to my room. I finally had a chance with Raven and Cyborg ruined it. Why can't life just be on my side for a while?

I hear a knock on my door, that caught my attention. "Who is it?"


"Come in I guess" the automatic doors opened and Terra walked in.

"Beastboy, I have to tell you something I think you should know."

"Okay. Tell me"

" Beastboy I--"

Cliffhanger!! Bwahahahaha! >:)

I feel mean now...

Anyways. There should be a pic of Pacifica on the side. If there isn't then please wait because I'm trying to upload it. Thank You.

I just noticed something..... a Starfire on instagram keeps stealing my teammates! I don't think that fair right?

Like, they all leave me for her. I'm not jealous, I just think its ridiculous that everyone leaves me for the same Starfire.

Oh well, I'll just be a single Starfire. Well I'm not single, I have Red Hood, but I want a Robin.

I'll just go Solo! :P



( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)~ Mary ~( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

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