Story 1-Chapter 2-Old Friends-Robstar

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Story 1.

Old Friends~Robstar

Chapter 2.

Starfire's P.O.V.

I slammed my door shut angry at Sunnyfire for stealing Robin away from me. She doesn't know I like him though.Perhaps I have been foolish to act this way.

I sighted and jumped into my round purple bed. I wasn't in the mood for pizza anyways. I have the Tamaranian dish I made for Sunnyfire , but it looks like she isn't going to eat it.

I went to the kitchen and there was nobody there. I guess they must have left already. I ate the dish and once I was done I cleaned the plate. I placed it on its normal spot and decided to go exploring to Sunnyfire's new room.

I opened the door seeing her sky blue bed made nicely. Everything in the room was sky blue. I walked over to her nightstand where I saw a necklace. It was a silver heart with a red pebble in the middle.

I explored some more and found an old picture frame of her and her parents. I sighted and kept searching for something suspicious.

I didn't find anything out of the ordinary. I walked out and went to the living room. I decided to watch a movie while there gone.

I went with the movie "SleepOver". It had an interesting cover on it.Four girls having fun.The background was pink. I placed the CD in the CD player and the movie began once I hit play.

This was a peaceful day.

Robin's P.O.V.

"Yummy! so delicious" Sunnyfire said giving her pepperoni pizza another bite.Everyone laughed because she's cute when she finds out new things.

"I'm glad. So...Sunnyfire...would you like mustard for your drink?" I asked politely. She looked at me like if I had grown another eyeball.

"Mustard as a drink? That's....weird" she said looking down at her pizza awkwardly. I think I messed up badly.

"Sorry, I thought you would like it since Starfire does and-"

"-Robin, I'm not Starfire!" She cut me off and glared at me a little. She's right, she isn't Starfire.I felt kind of bad for thinking she was like her.Everyone has there own personality.

"Sorry" I said but it sounded more like a whisper. She sighted. "Its fine" she reached her hand to mine and she grabbed it and smiled. I smiled back at her and beastboy cleared his throat. "Dude, I'm trying to eat without any lovey dovey stuff!"

Raven smacked his head and glared at him. "Beastboy! Don't ruin there moment" she warned and beastboy immediately obeyed.

Sunnyfire came closer to me and whispered into my ear "I love you". She looked and blushed.

I smiled. She was beautiful. I'm glad I meet her."Let's go back to the tower" Cyborg stood up and so did everyone else.

~At The Tower~

"Hello Starfire, we're home" Sunnyfire yelled so Starfire would hear her.Starfire was on the couch sleeping with popcorn next to her.

"Looks like our little star fell asleep watching a movie" Cyborg said smiling.

"I'll take her to her room so she would sleep well"I said and leaned down to pick her up. I screame made me turn around and I saw Sunnyfire on the floor. I quickly ran up to her seeing if she was okay.

Raven's P.O.V.

Robin was going to pick up Starfire so he could take her to her room.

I saw Sunnyfire glare at them and then she made herself fall and scream.Robin quickly ran up to her helping her up.

She faked it. why would she do that?

"Can you stay with me in my room? I'm kind of afraid to sleep alone.You see, I had a stuffed animal bunny named Oliver , but I forgot it on tamaran sadly"She sighted and looked down.I could immediately see Robin's expression was being worried.

"Sure, if it makes you feel any better , but let me just take Starfire to her room"Robin began to walk over to Starfire , but Sunnyfire grabbed Robin's hand before he got any closer to her.

"Robin I'm really tired. Can't Cyborg bring Starfire to her bed?"

"Yeah..I guess"Robin looked over to Cyborg. "Bring Starfire to her room." That's all be said as he left with Sunnyfire.

Something about Sunnyfire isn't right.Aren't friends suppose to like each other? She doesn't even care about Starfire.Better keep an eye on her.

Starfire's P.O.V.

*In her dream*

I was walking around in the dark with no light. I didn't even know where I was.

"Hello?" I called out , but nothing. I started to walk again. Everything was now glowing green.

This just got really weird.

"Hello Starfire" I turned around seeing Sunnyfire and Robin holding hands.They both looked evil with the clothes they had on.

"Sunnyfire? Robin? Why are you both wearing thoes evil clothes?" I asked and they both laughed at me.I felt a little sad and so I looked down at thw ground. I looked up meeting with Robin's mask infront of me.

"Starfire, I know you like me , but I'm taken by Sunnyfire"Robin smirked. Sunnyfire came closer to me and kissed Robin's cheek.

"I'm not your friend, Starfire and I will never be" Once Sunnyfire said that Robin and her disappeared and everything began to shatter into millions of pieces.

~~~Dream over~~~

I woke up sweating in my bedroom. Someone must have brought me here.

That dream seemed so real.

No, Sunnyfire is your friend.She does care about you.I thought to myself.

I laid back into my bed and fell asleep.


Next Chapter is coming soon!

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