Story 13-,Chapter 8

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Story 13

Chapter 8

Starfire's P.O.V.

I watched as Robin walked back and forth thinking of what could have mean the writing on the piece of paper that he got as a clue.

"Robin, please stop doing the thinking to much. We are in the biggest building in Tokyo. Remember when we almost kissed here, but you broke away before we even got the chance? All thanks to your thinking to much" I sighted sadly.

"I'm sorry star, but I must save Tokyo even if its not in danger." Robin looked determined.

"I guess" I said , but it came out like a whisper that got lost in the wind.

"I got it!" Robin exclaimed.

"Yay" I said with no energy what so ever. You can even say I said it sarcastically.

"Let's go" Robin dragged me off the building by going downstairs to the last floor.


Raven's P.O.V.

"So where is Jay and moonfire?" Beastboy asked me while we walked around Tokyo exploring the place.

"They went to hang out I guess" I replied. My hair blew back because of the wind there was today.


"Yes beastboy?"

"You look cute when your hair is blown" He said blushing and looking the other way.

"Thanks" I looked down.

"Raven, do you-- do you still like Rex?"

I eyes looked up at him. "No"

"Good" I was about to question what did he mean good when he kissed me unexpectedly. My eyes widen of what he did.

When he broke the kiss. I looked at him shocked of what just happened.

"I'm sorry"

"Its okay." I looked down again for a moment. I looked up to him again and asked "Why did you kiss me?"

"Uh....well you see..." He started "I like you!" He said quickly shutting his eyes waiting for me to say something.

"Beastboy" I called "I kind of like you" I admitted.



He smiled big and gave me a hug. I hugged back and smelled his wonderful scent.



"Nice performance, but Its time for the great end" I turn seeing Three girls who looked at us Evilly.

"Get them" one commanded. The two girls nodded and ran towards Beastboy and I.

Beastboy got in front of me. "You have to get first" Said being determined of himself.

"Suit yourself" She shrugged and both girls came after us.

"Azarth- Metrion- Zintos" My dark magic made a forcefield before they came closer.

They started to bang it and shoot starbolts at the forcefield.

"I can't keep the forcefield much longer!"

"Raven! Beastboy!" Robin yelled getting everyone's attention.

Starfire quickly flew over to the leader of the villains and started shooting Star bolts at her.

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