Chapter 3~ Random TT Story~

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"Hello Robin" Raven said coldly. She didn't care if Robin was there anymore . she didn't have to pretend to be nice for a while.

" I didn't know you were evil"  Robin looked at her once called friend.

" She isn't. You see I injected her with a needle that made her become evil" Slade made the confusion clear.

"You bastard!" Robin spat in disgust. He was okay with Slade messing with him, but not his friends.

"You are next" Raven said in her dark demon voice as her eye glowed bright red. "What!?" Robin was shocked to see Raven how she was at the moment. He only saw her get mad once, but it wasn't as horrible as right now.

"Don't worry. The needle will only help you" Raven tried to make Robin feel better for a reason. She still cared about him as a friend even though she was forced to become evil. Slade got the needle and walked over to Robin. He knew he was going to escape so he quickly grabbed his arm and stabbed his leg with the needle. Robin fell to the ground.

"Soon he will be like us" Raven smiled darkly.

"Yes. Now go back to the teen titans tower so the titans won't suspect anything" Slade ordered. Raven obeyed and left to go back to the tower. Starfire was still upset, but she smiled once she saw her friend Raven.

" Oh friend Raven you are back!" Starfire smiled.

"Hi..." Raven smiled at Starfire while Beastboy stood in the back of Raven.

"Do you wish to do the shopping?" Starfire asked her best friend Raven who seems not to know that beastboy is behind her.

"Sorry star, but Raven and I have plans" Beastboy put his arm around Raven. While Raven was like " What!?" Not knowing anything about her planning to go out with beastboy to anywhere.

" oh I did not know you were doing the dating" Starfire smiled of happiness for her two friends.

"Wait what? No we are not dating" Raven got crept out.

" You sure about that?'" Cyborg asked Raven while he laughed a little.

" Positive" Raven mumbled.

The alarm went off when the titans were talking. "Looks like trouble. Titans go!" Cyborg yelled as everyone immediately obeyed him. Usually Robin says that phrase, but Robin left the titans so Cyborg is in charge.

Starfire had her starbolts, Cyborg had his arm cannon, Raven flew up and had her magic ready, And beastboy was well... Waiting to see what animal he needed to turn into. Robin appeared. " I suggest you all leave before I hurt you all"

He warned his used to be friends. Starfire had enough. She has seen Robin turn evil once and she will not let him win like the last time. " Leave before I hurt you" She glared at Robin.

She loved him, but she needed to do what she must to protect her friends.

"I'll take my chances!" Robin jumped into the balcony and ran towards Starfire.

"please Robin! Stop being evil!" Starfire had her starbolt already formed on her hand. She wanted to be safe than sorry.

"Its my life! I can do whatever I wish to do!" Robin yelled back. He was getting irritated and annoyed.

"Okay Robin. Do what you must" Starfire gave up. She looked down. She knew perfectly that Robin might hurt her and that hurt her emotionally. Robin saw poor Starfire's face in pain.

Robin got flashbacks of every single memory that Starfire was involved in. The day when they went to the carnival. The other day when they were just talking. Every moment became special to him.

All the memories were stuck on Robin's head. " S-starfire?" He said kind of remembering her. Slade noticed and so did Raven. They were afraid Robin would remember his old self. "Robin destroy them" slade ordered.

It was too late. Robin recovered his memory and yelled "no!" Starfire smiled and whispered to herself. "Robin is back to being the nice!"

Raven looked at Robin while she mumbled in sarcasm " Great. He's turning nice again" Slade still wanted power so he said " Do what I say or Starfire dies" He warned Robin.

" I'm sick of you telling me what to do all the time!" Robin yelled as he walked towards Slade.

"That's it!" Slade got annoyed so he grabbed Starfire by her long red hair and stabbed her in the stomach. She fell to the ground with blood all around. Everyone gasped at the scene.

"Starfire!!" Robin yelled as he ran towards the love of his life.

Raven was just standing there and then she mumbled " One titan down. Three more to go" Beastboy walked slowly towards Raven shocked of what he just heard.

"What did you just say?" He asked not believing his own hearing.

"I said nothing" Raven confirmed her words. She knew Beastboy would suspect something so she tried to act like she didn't have emotion on her face whatsoever.

"Yes you did. You whispered something about killing us didn't you?" Beastboy looked at Raven. He was hurt that Raven would want to kill him, but he needed to know if what he heard was true before he made a mistake of blaming Raven.

"I never said that!" Raven yelled.  Cyborg ran towards them and said "Yo! Slade escaped and Robin is crying over Starfire who might be dead"

Thunder roared into the sky. Lighting appeared across the sky. Heavy rain pour down the city. Robin kneeled down next to him beloved Starfire. He grabbed her waist and cried while he said "No! Please don't take my sunshine away. I need her..." He whispered the last part. His heart broke into pieces knowing that Starfire might be dead.

"Take Starfire back to the tower. I need to talk to raven" Robin said a little sadly because he felt the guilt of not being there for someone he cares for. Beastboy and Cyborg nodded. They carried Starfire back home while Ravens and Robin stayed.

"Explain to me why you let Slade injected you with the needle?" Robin waited impatiently for an answer. " I didn't have a choice" Raven whispered.

Slade appeared from the dark corner. "And neither do you Robin" Slade smiled while Robin jumped in surprise.

"Not again" Robin mumbled a little annoyed.

~Authors Note ~

Hey guys! ヽ(^。^)丿

So please vote and comment something NICE! (͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Thank you! :)

~ Mary

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