Story 1.- Chapter 4-Old friends-Robstar

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Story 1.

Old Friends~Robstar

Chapter 4.

Starfire's P.O.V.

I flew for a few more hours until I found some shelter. The park was public so everyone is welcome. I think I could stay her.I laid a blanket on top of a bench and laid down.It wasn't comfortable since the bench was hard as a rock.

I tried to fall asleep , but nothing. The sounds of nature were to noisy to sleep so I just looked at the stars.

I bet nobody would ever miss me.Sunnyfire replaced me anyways. I'm pretty sure she would make a better Titan than I ever did.

Robin's P.O.V.

It was a beautiful night today.I wonder where Starfire is.She usually goes to the roof and looks at the night sky.Perhaps I was a little harsh.

I knocked on her bedroom door , but no response. I opened her door and saw the lights all off. Starfire wasn't in her room only Silky.

I felt a cold wind blowing on me.I turned to see Starfire's window was opened.

I ran to the living room where beastboy and cyborg were. "Starfire is missing! Go search for any clues now!" I demanded and the quickly nodded and left to go find her.

I went to Raven's room and knocked. Raven opened a bit of her door only reveling her face. "May I help you?"

"Is Starfire there with you?"

"No...only Sunnyfire." I sighted and looked at the floor. "Is something wrong?"

I nodded and looked up to her again

"She ran away, but there can be another possibility that she got taken. I want you and Sunnyfire to search all around the city" Raven nodded and I ran to go search for her.

Starfire's P.O.V. ★

It was now morning and nobody even cared to find me. I guess they really don't care about me after all.

I heard some screaming that came from citizens who are probably in danger. I quickly flew up and saw a person wearing all black. I immediately knew who it was.

I landed on my two feet infront of the person. "Sunnyfire!" I yelled out of anger.

She turned around to look at me.She quickly tried to escape , but I grabbed her ankle before she flew away, and I threw her to the ground.

I took off her black mask reveling her blonde hair and green eyes. "Looks like you turned evil"

She stood up and looked at me. "Yeah.I noticed evil was my best side ever since you left. I'm surprised everyone thought I didn't know english because I do. bye bye old friend" She flew up , but something threw her to the ground.

"Nice try Sunnyfire , but your not going anywhere for a while" Robin said and tied her up.

"I will get my revenge titans!" She yelled and the police took her.

Everyone looked at me with sad looks.Robin came close to me and hugged me. "I'm sorry Starfire, I didn't know Sunnyfire was evil.If I would have known she would have never became a titan."

I smiled and we went back to the tower.Everything was back to normal. well...mostly everything.

Robin and I are now doing the dating. We told each other how we felt and we got together. He is always sweet.Always giving me roses and telling me I look like because because the pedals are red like my hair, the leaves are green like my eyes and there beautiful like me.

Oh and did I mention Beastboy and Raven are together as well? Yes they are! Do not worry about friend Cyborg. He has bumblebee. Everyone is happy and pretty soon we will have to be planning weddings.

The End


Story 2. is a BBRae story!

Don't worry, there will be another Robstar story soon and maybe some weird ones.Lol

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