Story 14- Chapter 2- I Need You

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I Need You

Chapter 2

Starfire's P.O.V.

I sat up from my round purple bed having a really bad stomach ache. I closed my eyes trying to control the pain.

I finally got out of the bed and rushed to the kitchen.

Maybe there is something that might help me with the pain. I didn't bother to turn on the lights mostly because I don't want to disturb the titans from there sleep. Its better to stay in the dark.

The lights flickered on and I quickly turned around who it was.

"Star?" Robin said rubbing his eyes because he just woke up from the sleep her was having.

"I am sorry friend Robin, I just came to the kitchen to get something" I explained, but I felt a little bit of guilt that I woke him up.

A shock of pain attacked my stomach which made me groan out of pain. Robin noticed and quickly ran up to me trying to help me.

"Star, what's wrong?" He asked being worried.

"My stomach hurts" I replied and he gave a small nod. He then walked over to the medicine cabinet and reached for the small pill for pain. He then dumped it into the glass of water. I watched as the pill made bubbles and made its bubbly noise.

"Here" be said handing me the cup of water with the pill. "It will make you feel better"

"Thank you, Robin" I smiled and took the cup from his hand gently. I took a small sip and made a weird face. "This does not taste very good"

Robin chuckled. "No, but its good for you" I took another sip until the liquid was gone. Robin went back to his room and I went back to mine. My stomach felt better so I drifted to sleep quickly.

Raven's Point Of View

I walked all over the place, but I couldn't seemed to find any type of light. Everything was pitched black.

"Hello?Anyone here?",I asked hoping someone is here with me and that I'm not alone. I tried using my powers, but they didn't work at all.

"Hello, Raven" I voice behind me said. I quickly turned my body around, but like I said before, everything was pitched black. I couldn't see a single thing.

"Who are you?" I asked waiting for an answer.

" The girl who will change your future" The female laughed evilly and I woke up.

I was breathing heavily and thinking about my dream. I'm not usually afraid of anything, but this dream freaked me out a little. This is a sign that something bad is going to happen I juts know it.

Mystery Point Of View

"Kitten, Madame Rouge, Slade, RedX, and of course Pacifica." I smiled at all of them who just looked at me confused. They are going to help me destroy the good for nothing Titans!

"Why are we here!? I'm calling daddy!" Kitten got out her phone and looked at her screen horrified. "No signal!? Ugh!" She threw her phone to the ground braking it into pieces.

"Okay, anyways... your all probably wondering why your all here" I started "Well...we are going to work together to destroy the titans"

"Yeah right. Slade couldn't even destroy them, so there's not even a chance we could even get close"

"Shush it RedX! Slade couldn't destroy them, but maybe Pacifica can"

She stepped closer and smiled. "I don't know who's the Teen Titans, but I'm already starting to hate them. Just tell me what to do and I won't fail you"

"Excellent" She's already determined. That's what I like to hear.

"I have one question. Why I'm I here?"

"Oh Madame Rouge, you will soon find out once I tell you what to do" She gave a small nod.

~Authors Note~

Sorry if I didn't say this, but this story is on instagram and yes, I will be adding short clips to the story ONLY on instagram. Those of you who are following are lucky because you get to see the short clips! :D

Takes a A LOT of time to do those clips with special effects! :/

So let me get this straight.... THE MYSTERY POINT OF VIEW IS NOT SLADE OR TERRA!!

It was going to be Slade, but I changed my mind.

I thought Today was Sunday, but its Saturday! Oh gosh, I lose track of days because I don't go to school anymore...:/

Turns out that school doesn't start August 19 for starts August day closer! -_-

At least I get out early like at 1 or 2 PM.


I love gravity Falls especially Mabel since we share common personalities and well...we both have braces! Lol

Waddles is Mabel's pig


Towee is my chihuahua

well see you all later!!


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