Mixed Emotions ~BBrae~

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"W-what do you mean the new team member!? We didn't hire anyone for the superhero job." I started to think a little on why this man standing right in front of me telling me he's the new member. He just looked at me up and down and laughed. "Trust me, this team needs help." His voice was very deep and he was very fit. Guess we could use the extra help around this place now that everyone is busy being sad or hurt.

"Greetings new friend! I am Starfire and this is friend Beastboy!" Starfire appeared out of nowhere with a huge smile pasted on her lips. She seemed very happy to see the new dude. He grabbed Starfire's hand gently and then kissed the top of her hand for a long time. Robin would have been furious by now if he saw this. "My name is Fireman. I am glad to be in this team precious alien cutie." He winked at Starfire and she giggled. Yep, Robin would have been in flames by now.

" oh! You must meet my friends!" She grabbed his wrist and dragged him to the other's rooms. I followed them, knowing that something was going to happen, for I did not trust the guy at all. The first room was Terra's room.
"Friend Terra! We have a new friend!"Starfire knocked on her room and waited patiently for Terra to open the door.

Terra opened the door looking a little confused by the guy standing next to Starfire. Her nose and forehead scrunched up and her eyebrow was raised higher than the other showing her confusion to us. She then looked up at me from her wheelchair, for she wanted me to explain to her. "New member" I whispered over to her and the gave me a little nod.

"Nice to meet you, Terra. I am Fireman and I am very friendly." He got down a little to reach the height of Terra, and then he kissed the top of her hand. Terra quickly snapped her hand back as she looked at him a little frightened. He then noticed Terra's emotions towards him, so he gave her an apology look. "Sorry, I kiss girl's hands as a hello. Its something we use to do in my planet." He explains to her.

"Oh well now I feel rude and stupid." She sighed and then looked down at the floor with a little frown. Fireman noticed her frown, so he lifted her chin up to make her look at him. "Don't feel that way. You didn't know." He smiled and then she smiled along with him. I know I shouldn't feel this way, but I felt a tiny bit of jealousy as I saw them together. He hugged her tight and she hugged him back.

" Let us go introduce you to my best friend in the whole world, Raven!" Starfire exclaimed and pulled Fireman with her, away from a hopeless Terra that sat in a wheelchair.

"Hey Terra." I smiled down at her. She gave me a glare before she closed the door at my face. Now what did I do to upset her? I knocked on her door, but she didn't answer me at all. "Please open the door." I pleaded to her, but she just kept ignoring me. "I wanted to say sorry for everything I've done to upset you today or yesterday. I don't know what I did, but I must have done something very horrible if you are ignoring me." I laughed a little. "I read something on a website about girls just ignore guys because they are hurt. Tell me where did I go wrong? Please tell me because I don't know what's going on between us." Terra opened the door with her eyes tearing up in tears.

"Where did you go wrong? The most important question is where did I go wrong? I got my memory back for your information. I have been thinking of all those cruel things I've done to hurt my friends. I want to go back and make things right for once, but I can't. We cannot change the past and we cannot fix our mistakes no matter how hard we try" She sighed and dropped her shoulder down indicating that she was really sorry.

I walked a little closer to her and hugged her very tight, admiring the smell of roses she had. Yes I was smelling Terra, so what? I bet all of you smell your crushes at some point. "Don't worry; maybe we can't fix the past, but we can try to make the future bright. " I suggested.

"I guess so. " she yawned. " I am very tired, so I must get some sleep. Goodnight Beastboy." She smiled and started to turn her wheelchair towards her bed "I like you Beastboy" she whispered. "I like you too Terra" I tell her. She giggled and closed the door behind her. I don't know what just happened, but I liked it.. I walked to Raven's room, only to see that Mr.Smooth was kissing the top of her hand. I don't believe him about the tradition of having to say hi by kissing someone's hand. Why didn't he kiss my hand? Woah...wait....I'm glad he didn't kiss my hand. Oh right, he only kisses girl's hands.

"Uh....Please back away from my hand before I slap it on your face" Raven retorted, and Fireman immediately backed away. That's the Raven I love and want to see all day! I've never seen her yell like that, but I'm glad she did to him. "Hey!" I interrupted them by walking over to them.

"Let's go meet Robin! He is the leader, but he is also in harsh conditions...." Starfire stopped herself from talking when she saw that Raven was now forming tears in her eyes. Starfire felt very bad for her friend, for she frowned at the sight of her friend. I gave her a sign to leave me and Raven alone while she showed the new dude the leader of the team. Starfire, for the first time, got the clue and walked away.

Raven pushed herself on me and then she wrapped her small arms around my waist. I felt her face snuggle up on my shirt, and I could also feel the wetness of her fresh tears pouring down like rain. "Shush... Its okay" I rubbed her back in little circles to make her feel better.

"I can't do this. I don't want this. I don't want these stupid powers!" She unwrapped her arms and walked to the end of the hallway. I for sure followed her, and hugged her again. I placed her head on my chest while I rested my chin on the top of her head. "Why don't you want powers? I like your powers." I told her the truth, but I'm sure she thinks I'm just saying that to make her feel better.

"Look at me!" She screamed and pushed me off her. " I am a demon and human all together! Who would date a demon!? I was born to do harm, but I fought it. I fought society ,for I knew that just because I was a demon did not mean that I had to be mean!" She let herself drop on the floor. She curled into a small ball and covered her face with both her hands. Each sniffle and tear that come out of her broke my heart even more.

"But I like you..." I whispered. She looked up at me with red eyes that tried to study of I was telling the truth or not. "Why?" She asked me after a few seconds passed by.

"Because why not? You might be half demon, but it doesn't mean I can't like you." I kneeled down next to her. " You're beautiful no matter what society says. I like you because you are....well....you." She looked at me for a few moments in silence. I was thinking that maybe I just scared her with all of this, so I stood up. "I'll go now..." I said as I turned to walk away. I couldn't continue to walk away, for someone pulled my hand. I turn to look at Raven dangerously close to me.

" I like you too....I like your green skin and all your perfect flaws." She had lust in her eyes and soon she wrapped her arms around my neck and just kissed me with passion and fire on her lips that I loved so much.

"I thought you liked me." I voice made me brake the kiss. I turned to look at Terra sitting on her wheelchair with tears running down her cheek. " I thought you cared for me....I guess I was wrong all along."

"No wait, Terra I do like you!" I yelled after her. Raven gasped and then she slapped me. " You said you liked me! I hate you!" Raven screamed.

"I like both of you okay!" I told them both.

"Pick one" Terra said.

"Yeah, pick one." Raven crossed her arms.

"I like you both very much, but I guess I could only love one and that one person is...." I gulped as I saw fire in both of the girl's eyes.


Please note that just because this is a Bbrae story IT DOES NOT MEAN BEASTBOY WILL CHOSE RAVEN.

Anyways vote and comment.

- Mary (✪㉨✪)

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