Breathe - III

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52 Jade's lifetimes ago...

Perrie is sitting on a bench in the park, observing the people around her. There were families, couples, joggers here and there, and children who were passing by, playing around. Although they can't see her. Well, except for the babies who always smile whenever they see Perrie walk past them. And in return, Perrie would smile back and wave at them making them giggle, and their parents are clueless as to what's going on.

The wind blew and a leaf fell and landed on Perrie's hand. When she flipped it over, a name appeared. That's how God sends a message to them – the name of the person on that leaf has only 40 days to live.

It's Perrie's duty to observe that person for 40 days, help them redeem themselves and repent for the salvation of their soul, comfort them as they perish this earth while Azrael, the chief angel of death, separates their souls from their bodies.

It is said that when a bad person dies, Azrael rips their soul from their bodies with no care at all. But when a good person dies, Azrael carefully and delicately removes their soul, leaving no pain at all.

Azrael will then take the soul to Archangel Michael who will then escort the souls to the afterlife. Only God knows what's in the afterlife. The final judgment of the souls is up to Him and only Him. Angels, like Perrie, are just messengers and protectors of humans.

No sole angel can decide who lives and who dies without God willing it. He alone chooses when humans reach the end of their life on earth. God will not allow human lives to be taken away until the determined time. If anyone takes their own life, humans should know by now that it is the biggest mortal sin, and a lifetime of agony awaits those who dare defy His will.

"Jade Thirlwall, 25-years-old. Hmm...Young. She's probably still enjoying her youth," a woman spoke. Perrie was startled because she didn't notice that someone was behind her, peeking at the leaf she's holding. She was too preoccupied observing the people around her. The woman sat beside Perrie. "What are you still doing here? You have a new mission to complete."

"I'm observing, Jes. It's fascinating. They're fascinating!"

Jesy briefly looks at the people that Perrie seems to be enjoying watching. "Humans?"


"What's so fascinating about them?"

"They feel everything – happiness, sadness, kindness, joy, anger, fear, grief, pain, love..." Perrie glances at Jesy whose eyes were now glued to the children running about. "I wonder what it's like to feel everything..."

Jesy turns her attention back at Perrie, "You won't like it."

"Why? Have you experienced being human before?"

Jesy chuckles as she shakes her head, "Of course, not. But have you seen the look on their faces when someone they love dies? Or how a dying person screams in agony? How they beg for their lives because they fear death? Are you sure you want to feel all that? To be honest, that doesn't sound pretty for me to feel."

Perrie sighed, "Are you not looking at the people around you? Do you just focus on your mission and at the human you are assigned to and the people they leave behind?" Jesy tilts her head at Perrie's odd question. The blonde looked away. "Look at that family. Can't you see the smiles on the faces of the parents as they watch their children have fun and play and laugh at silly things?" Perrie points to the other side, "And them, those group of people laughing and eating together, can't you see the strong friendship they've built?" She then points to another side, "And that couple over there...can't you see how they look at each other? It's as if they're the only people existing in this world – like nothing else matters, but them..."

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