Leap - IV

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The next day, Perrie and Jade woke up to the sound of gunshots not too far from where they were. They looked at Jesy and Leigh's blankets and both women were no longer there. They exchanged looks and immediately got up to follow the sound of the gunfire.

Perrie peeked behind the warehouse door to find Jesy and Leigh-Anne very much preoccupied in exchanging bullets with adversaries all wearing black with helmets.

"Scavengers," Perrie whispers to Jade and gestures for her to keep her mouth shut. Then, two automated firearms appeared from Perrie's back. She then hid on the opposite side of the door, Jade followed right away.

"Hey, can I maybe have one of your guns?" Jade asks. "I can shoot, too...you know."

Perrie glances at Jade. "No, just stay close to me."

Jade pouts, "Party-pooper."

"What–" Perrie was cut off from what she was about to say when someone fired at them from behind. When she looked at the source, some of the Scavengers had already penetrated the inside of the warehouse.

Perrie immediately grabbed Jade, so she could hide inside a concrete culvert pipe. "TAKE COVER!!" Perrie ordered.

"HOLY MOTHER OF PEARLS!!" Jade blurts out. There was no time to waste, she crouched and hid inside the pipe and put both of her hands firmly against both of her ears. She closed her eyes shut in hopes she wouldn't be able to see what's going on.

This was the second time in her life that bullets have rained on her; the first was in her house, while the second was inside an abandoned drainage pipe which is her only source of salvation.


She hadn't noticed right away that Perrie had been calling her name for a while now. Who could blame her, the sound of the guns firing at each other was ear-splitting. "Jade, look at me!!" Jade slowly opened her eyes and looked up at Perrie. "We need to leave. Stay behind me."

Jade blinked a couple of times and wasn't able to fully comprehend what the blonde was saying. And Perrie could see the look of terror in her eyes. "Look...Jade, I'm not gonna let anything happen to you, do you hear me?" Jade slowly nods as she looks at Perrie's deep blue eyes. For some reason, Perrie's words and staring at her eyes made her feel safe. "Stay behind me!"

Perrie immediately stood up and with her nimble moves, the Scavengers fell to the ground one-by-one. Every shot from Perrie goes to every single head of their enemy. No missed shots, no bullets were wasted. However, they were still outnumbered.

Perrie can handle as many enemies as possible, she's even managed to destroy a city all on her own. But since she's protecting Jade, she can't risk doing it again. What Perrie did was only to buy them time to switch places to hide.

They ran and took cover at the back of the warehouse where they all met up with Jesy and Leigh-Anne.

"There are so many of them!" Jesy hissed as she reloaded her rifle with a new cartridge.

"There's only one way to leave this place – the time device." Leigh suggests as she pumps loads of new bullets in the shotgun chamber.

"We can't go there all together," Jesy objects. "We need to separate. It would be easy for them to follow us if we all go together."

"Jade will come with me," Perrie declared. Leigh and Jesy both nodded and pulled out their time devices.

"Just be careful," Leigh added. "You know where the rendezvous is." Perrie nodded. And in a blink of an eye, Leigh-Anne disappeared followed by Jesy.

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