A Twist of Fate - VIII

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Jade was now left alone with Perrie near the park entrance. Instead of spending time there, they decided to walk back to Perrie's place. They shared a short moment of silence before Perrie finally spoke.

"So...what just happened?" She asks. "Minutes ago, I was on the plane, and now I'm back here?"

She was right. Everything happened so fast and quickly that Jade didn't have time to fill Perrie in on what happened while they were in the car heading back to South Shields. The adrenaline pumping in her veins was just too much, and the thought of possibly not being able to see Perrie until she retires was just too overwhelming.

"Alex told me everything."

"He did?" Perrie's eyes grew wide. Alex was always the kind of guy who stuck by the book. That's one of the many reasons he's the top agent in the men's division. So, his telling Jade everything meant he did them both a favour that could jeopardize his position in the agency.

Jade nods. "I hope he won't get in trouble for it."

"Damn, that guy is full of risks!"

"I know..." Jade takes a deep breath. She was about to add something when Perrie beat her to it.

"He didn't have to do all that," she confessed. "I just terminated my contract with the agency and I'll be coming back here as soon as I clear everything to them." Jade looks at Perrie. "And I'll come back for you, Jade."

Jade was indeed right that it was possible for Perrie to do just that. However, Alex was right, too. She can't risk that possibility. What if Perrie chooses otherwise? Then Jade will lose her for good! Still, Jade feels it's worth going through all that trouble to get Perrie back.

"I've hurt you..." Jade says as she purses her lips. "I've hurt you many times, Perrie, yet... you're still willing to come back for me. What good did I do to deserve your love?"

Perrie hums. "You know what everyone around me says?"

"What is it?"

"They kept on telling me, Perrie, it's about time that you move on. Jade won't come back to you. You're just hurting yourself if you keep on looking for her."

"And what did you tell them?" Jade asks, curious as to how the blonde responded to such statements.

"That I don't want to move on. I told them...you made me a better person. You made me realize I can do much more than I think I could. You taught me how to fall in love...not with anyone else, but only with you. And I don't want to stop being the person I am with you." Perrie takes Jade's hand as they stroll down the road. "My life is making less and less sense without you, Jade. So quit thinking for a second that you don't deserve my love."

Jade dropped her head and was silent as they continued their stroll.

"Wait–are you crying?" Perrie asks as she pulls Jade to her. Jade, on the other hand, averts her gaze elsewhere.

"No..." she chuckles as she subtly sniffles.

"Oh, my God! Jeeeed...you're crying!" Perrie smiles. Between the two of them, Perrie was the crybaby. So when she sees Jade cry, it's significant for her. "Naww...come here, babe."

They stopped walking altogether so Perrie could give Jade a much-needed hug. The brunette held her tighter than she ever did. As she embraced the blonde, Jade couldn't contain the happiness that she felt, so she let her tears freely fall, knowing that she had Perrie back by her side. And no, it's not her mind playing tricks on her; it's for real.

Perrie didn't care if there were passers-by who gave them odd looks. She continued to hug Jade until the brunette was okay. When she let go, she gave Jade a soft and sweet kiss, claiming the brunette's lips as hers.

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