Leap - III

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Jesy placed two teacups on a saucer for her guests, but instead of pouring tea, she poured vodka which made the two women look at her in question.

"Sorry, I don't do coffee or tea."

Perrie raised an eyebrow, "Hm...the things you hide in a cabin and teacups...interesting." She smirks at her.

Perrie and Jade sat together on the sofa. Jesy was about to sit beside Jade but the brunette was quick to sit on the opposite side of Perrie.

"I don't bite." Jesy raised both her hands.

"I–uh" Jade was tongue-tied.

"You tried to kill her a while ago," Perrie reminded her.

"I was just being cautious," Jesy explains. "I was making sure that you're not one of them, and Perrie's not your hostage."

"Oh, I would love to be her hostage," Perrie comments as she smirks at Jade while she sips on her vodka.

Jade blinked a couple of times, looking from Jesy to Perrie before turning her attention back to Jesy. "One of who?"

"Scavengers," Jesy answered, "Space soldiers who are given a mission to collect and kill travelers like us."

Jade shakes her head, "No, I'm not anything like them."

Perrie looks at Jesy, "She's from...here – from this time, Jes. You don't have to worry about her." Perrie backs Jade up.

"I know, I smelled her."

"Wait–you said they were sent to kill us, why? What happened to Exobase City?" Perrie asks.

"You've been gone for too long in completing your mission, Pez. The Chief and the rest of the Faction thinks that you've gone rogue. Have you gone rogue?"

Perrie looks elsewhere, "Does...enjoying life on earth considered going rogue?"

"You have a mission–"

"I know...it's just–" Perrie was cut off when they heard a loud explosion upstairs, shaking Jesy's underground house. There were bits of soil that fell from the ceiling.

Jade was startled, making her hold Perrie's hand. "What was that?"

Jesy stood up and grabbed her 50-caliber rifle that she hid behind her fridge. "Let's find out."

"Nah, I'm good." Jade sat stiffly on the sofa. "Let me know what's out there."

Jesy eyes her, "Pussy." She mumbles then looks at Perrie

"Stay here," Perrie instructs the brunette.

"That's the plan." Perrie was about to stand up when Jade held her arm causing the blonde to stare at her. "Be careful."

Perrie nods before standing up to follow Jesy.

"Wait!" Jade voiced out. "Aren't you supposed to grab a weapon or something?"

Jesy scoffs, "Darling, she is the weapon." This made Jade's jaw plunge to the floor. Her eyes grew wide when a specialized gun materialized on Perrie's back as she and Jesy went up the stairs. It's as if Perrie's built with a weapon in her body.

Jade tried to listen to what was going on upstairs when the two women left, but so far there was nothing. Not even grunting or gunshots.

A few minutes had passed, Jesy and Perrie returned with a caramel-skinned woman with curly black locks wearing a glossy tight leather suit following them.

"I just don't understand why you have to blow up my cabin, Leigh-Anne! What if we were up there?!" Jesy grumbled.

"I've got your heat signatures down here, so I know you weren't there," she said in defense. "Plus, I don't know where to knock, or where your doorbell is."

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