The Aftermath - VI

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Jade and Perrie were sent into a whirlwind energy that allowed them to travel to another universe. And because of what Taylor did, their journey isn't exactly smooth. Jade grabbed Perrie's hand to make sure the blonde would still be safe even after landing into another universe. Luckily, the energy that carried them cannot be seen by humans.

They landed inside an elevator. It shook a little but Jade managed to regain her senses. She was still holding Perrie's hand as both of them remained standing in the middle of the steel enclosure. At some point, they stared at each other for a while.

Deep sea blue orbs meet earth-toned browns. A feeling of familiarity washed over them. The same feeling Perrie and Jade felt when they first met. So entangled and enchanted by each other's presence. And when Jade realized she was still holding the blonde's hand, she immediately lets go of it. Like she suddenly touched something scorching hot. She wasn't wrong though. Perrie is definitely hot–

Jade shakes her head and finally asks, "Are you okay?"

"Yeah, just...a bit dizzy. But I'm okay." Perrie looked around and saw huge magazine covers on the three sides of the elevator. "What just happened?"

"I think your assistant just threw us off to another universe." Jade looks at one of the magazines.

"Well, you can bring us back to our universe, can't you?"

"Yes, but not yet. Until the energy that Taylor used to bring us here wears off, I can't open another one to bring us back."

Perrie nods and presses a button on the elevator that opens its doors. They were surprised to see the people on the floor were all in a state of panic.

"What's going on here?" Perrie asks as she turns to Jade.

"Let's find out." Jade stopped time and everyone froze.

She and Perrie observed where the people were heading. From the looks of it, they were headed in the same direction. Most of them were wearing formal attire, others looked like media reporters, while others wore casual clothing.

Out of curiosity, they went to the direction where the frantic people were about to head. It led them to a huge studio where a stage ramp stood proudly in the middle like some fashion show. From there, they saw a part of the ceiling where the cameras and a couple of stage lights were mounted fell off. There was debris that froze mid-air that was about to hit the ground.

Jade saw that there were two workers that were about to be hit by a steel pipe, so she moved them to the side so they wouldn't get hit.


Jade spun around to find Perrie standing in front of a woman, frozen in time, holding a clipboard. She looks like she's trying to escape a huge metal and wooden frame that was about to hit her.

"What is it?" Jade asks.

"This is you. I mean...a parallel version of you."

Jade stood beside Perrie to see what the blonde meant. For all the times that she has jumped from one universe to the other, she should be used to seeing her doppleganger, but it still startles her. The Jade in front of her was wearing formal office attire, her hair was tied in a sort of messy bun, she wore light makeup and looked like she needed to catch some sleep with the bags under her eyes.

Perrie, too, observed the parallel Jade from head to toe. She even walked around her and clicked her tongue in the end. "She looks exactly like you..." Curiosity got the better of Perrie, she took a peek at the papers on the clipboard. You'd expect printed important instructions there, instead, she mostly saw doodles. One of the drawings was of a paper cup with a face of a woman, underneath it was a hand-lettering in bold letters: My Dream Coffee. Perrie furrowed her brows, "Well...she's weird."

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