Leap - VIII

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Perrie and Jade were back in the present time but not exactly inside Jesy's hideout. They were outside, just near the willow tree where the secret entrance is.

As soon as they appeared, Jade lost consciousness. Good thing, Perrie was holding her. Jade is fine, she was just knocked out from the things that she saw on their way back when they were time-traveling. Jade couldn't take it all at once unlike Perrie.

Perrie leaned on the tree and slowly sat on the ground. She laid Jade gently next to her; she positioned the brunette where she could still sleep but was in a seated position. Jade's head rested on Perrie's chest.

While the brunette was unconscious, Perrie takes this opportunity to take a closer look at the device she kept in her pocket. She knows its hers because it had her initials on it. P.E. stands for Perrie Edwards, and Code R.E.D is her code.

She scanned the device and was surprised to find that it's actually a part of her, it sort-of looked like a memory card. And it's supposed to be inserted on the back of her head.

But after scanning it, Perrie learned that the memory card was upgraded. Unlike most memory cards that you need to insert it to a device to extract its contents. This one can extract memories without ever being inserted to a device. Perrie's first few A.I. memories were uploaded to the card remotely and it only took the gruesome ones, separating it from Perrie's own memory.

Curious as to what could possibly be so gruesome that it had to be segregated, Perrie opened the part of the back of her head, just above her nape. She inserts it, and it fits perfectly.

She was shocked to see flashing images and conversations. It was all coming at her fast, she couldn't hear or clearly see what those images were. So, she tried to make it more stable and accurate. And that's when it hit her – the device contained real parts of her memories.

To her surprise, it wasn't just parts of her memory, half of it were also memories of her sister, Taylor! Perrie's eyes grew wide in horror as she watched everything from the card. She cried silently so as not to wake the still unconscious brunette beside her.

Perrie sobbed for a while until she was able to calm herself, clear her head, and composed herself. She looked up at her surroundings and all she could see were the green grass swaying against the breeze, the trees, the birds flying high up the blue skies, the fresh air, and the sunlight. She loved everything about this earth.

She closes her eyes for a moment to feel everything. Then, she felt Jade's warmth. She hugged the brunette who was still leaning unconsciously next to her. She kissed Jade's temple, making the brunette stir and wake up.

Jade slowly opens her eyes; she sees the serene scene before her. She noticed that Perrie was hugging her. She lifts her head to find Perrie's pretty face staring back at her. The blonde looked seriously at her but it was obvious she'd been crying. Perrie smiles at her but Jade noticed the sadness in the blonde's crystal blue eyes.

"How are you feeling?" Perrie asks, hiding her sniffles. Jade shifts her position, so she was now sitting straight beside the blonde. Perrie did the same.

"Still shocked? I guess?" Jade sighed. "It's not everyday that you get to see how and when you'll die."

"Don't worry too much about what you just saw. That will never happen. I won't let it happen," Perrie reassured her.

They shared a short silence. Jade was just observing Perrie, she knows something was off.

Jade dipped her head, searching for Perrie's eyes, "What's wrong? Something's bothering you."

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