Before Dawn - V

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"Thank you for coming at such short notice, Jade."

Jade scratched the back of her neck at Leigh's sarcasm. She knows Leigh had been calling and texting her since yesterday, and she hasn't returned any of it. And instead of calling her back like a normal person would, she decided to pay her friend a visit instead.

"I'm really sorry, Lee-Lee. I've been...busy."

"Busy with what?" Leigh asks with a hand to the side of her hip.

Jade blinked rapidly at that. She didn't know what to tell her friend. Although she has mentioned to Leigh the night she played poker with Perrie, she hasn't sort of updated Leigh that the first of the ten nights has started.

"Or with who..." Leigh added. When Jade wasn't able to answer right away, Leigh continued, "Let me guess, the young Lady Edwards?"

It only takes one nod from Jade for Leigh to gasp at the newfound information.

"Oohhh! She finally showed up!!" Leigh squealed in delight.

"Uh-huh. So, what is it Lee? Why were you calling me nonstop?" Jade quickly changed the topic since she hasn't fully recovered from what happened minutes ago with the blonde. She wasn't ready to tell her friend the details yet.

Leigh, in turn, grabbed and pulled her into another room of her apartment. When they got there, bits and pieces of fabric were all over the place. There were mannequins wearing different kinds of costumes.

Jade was baffled at this and asked, "Are you going to a costume party and you want me to choose your costume for you?"

Leigh-Anne beamed at her. "Noooooo, silly! These are for you!"

"For me? Why?

"Pick a costume!" Leigh gestures to her creations. "Every superhero needs a costume to keep their identities hidden, you know."

Jade's mouth was agape. "Me? A superhero? Have you gone mad or what?"

Leigh shakes her head and holds her friend by the shoulders. " saved me. And it wasn't the first time that you saved someone. You've been saving this city secretly for years. And not just in Vegas! But also New York and other major cities in the United States! Didn't you realize that only a superhero does that?"

"What? H–How did you know–"

Even before Jade could finish her question, Leigh pointed at a large white board on the side of the room where newspaper clippings and trimmings were pinned together with a red thread and marker. News that made it on the internet and tabloid papers about Jade saving the day.

Some of it wasn't as major as the others, but it was all Jade saving people from accidents and tragedies in the past years.There was a bus that was about to fall from a cliff, but Jade was quick to snatch the vehicle back to safety.

Another was of a passenger plane that was about to crash in one of New York's residential areas when Jade slightly lurched the plane to a different direction, making it fly at a higher altitude ultimately preventing what would be a catastrophic accident.

Another was of an old building catching fire. Jade was able to save those who were trapped inside the burning enclosure.

Jade did all of those things without anyone catching her. If there was, none of the survivors could make out her face, while most of the people involved couldn't form a possible explanation as to how they were saved. And that's all because Jade froze time so no one could see her.

"I see you've been busy...researching." Jade acknowledges what her friend has put together.

"Yes. You need me. And I'm here to help. Every superhero needs a sidekick. Just like Supergirl has Winn, Batman has Alfred – you have me. And you can't just fly out there wearing..." Leigh looks at Jade's outfit. She was so excited to show the brunette what she's been up to that she failed to notice what Jade was wearing. "...pajamas. You saved people in a burning building, what happened to your clothes? It got burned. So you came out of that building naked. No, that can't happen again. And you need to cover your face, if people recognize you, you're gonna lose your secrecy."

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