Before Dawn - II

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*Disclaimer: Gyle isn't a poker player but did a TON of research to get this scene right.

Tonight was like Jade's usual night. She was having fun playing with a group of old high rollers in town. She was in the middle of pushing her chips in the center of the table when her eyes caught something.

A gorgeous blonde woman walks briskly up to their table. She stopped a few steps away from Jade to grab a drink from the tray of the server who was assigned to Jade's table.

She rocked a soft & fluid silky satin dress with spaghetti straps that cross over at the back, and a deep plunge in the front. She matched her outfit with a satin lace-up barely there sandals. She knows that the slit on the right side of the dress is doing something for her legs that could go for days. This woman was sinfully beautiful without even trying. Especially with how her honey-blonde hair is styled in a messy bun, exposing her long neck and crystal earrings.

As the woman takes the champagne tulips glass by the stem, she steals a glance at Jade. When they locked eyes, it's as if they had already communicated without ever having to speak a word. And Jade swore this woman was something else.

Before the woman looks away, she throws Jade a smirk that could freeze a hot summer day. She then saunters her way to the opposite end of the Casino, away from Jade. Of course, Jade wasn't subtle about checking out the sexy blonde's back as she walked away.

Jade barely noticed that the players at her table had been calling her attention. One of them even followed Jade's gaze.

"Ah...the charming yet venomous billionaire," said the widowed woman, fixing the chips on her side of the table.

Jade lightly shakes her head,"Uh–I'm sorry, what?"

"I now see what your type is," the old woman teased. Jade's forehead creased in confusion. "I've seen a lot of young lads trying to woo you, but you never gave any interest to any of them. While it only took the young Edwards to grab a drink and your world suddenly stopped." She grins, holding her cards up confidently.


"She's Perrie Edwards," the old woman added. "Youngest billionaire according to Forbes. Daughter of Alexander Edwards, Richest Man Alive."

"I see."

Then, one of the servers came beside the old woman and whispered a message to her. She nods then looks at the rest of the players on the table. "Alright folks, time to end the night. See you all again tomorrow."

Jade was baffled, "Wait, we're not done here."

"Yes, we are, darling...but you're not." Her grin grew wide. "Apparently, someone wants to challenge you. Good luck!" The old lady winks at Jade.

The brunette couldn't do anything but watch as the players get up and leave one by one. Jade was left alone looking at the last of the players to exit the Casino.

When she returned her attention to the table, she was pleasantly surprised to see the blonde sit on the opposite end of the table with two bulky-looking bodyguards standing not too far from where the blonde sat.

"Hi." The blonde greets her, showing off her megawatt smile that could make a man go blind. And her voice is far more angelic than she looks.

Jade's a confident woman. She gets it from her Father's side, of course. But for the first time in millennia, she was speechless. And it takes a lot for Jade to be speechless.

She quickly composed herself, "Hi." Thank Lucifer her voice didn't croak. Otherwise, it would've been embarrassing.

The croupier assisted in shuffling the cards. Jade has been generous to him whenever she wins, she gives a large portion of her winnings to the croupier. The fewer people Jade plays a game with, the larger the amount of bet the dealer gets.

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