Under Cover - II

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Behind every strong woman lies a broken little girl who had to learn how to get back up and to never depend on anyone but herself.

If you want to be a successful, confident and powerful woman, you need confidence and a successful mindset to support you.

If you are experiencing some mindset blocks, it prevents you from getting concretely where you want to be, no matter how hard you work. It prevents you from daring, it prevents you from taking that risk and taking that leap of fate, it prevents you from growing your confidence and taking yourself and your ambitions seriously.

There's a powerful woman that lives inside of us all – we just need to let her surface.

The voice we drown, the actions we hold back, and the dreams we never explore is where our true power lies. Take off the filter that covers the raw you and stand strong as the real you.

And that's exactly what Perrie did. Who would've thought that a once shy and timid girl would become the FBI's leading Supervisory Special Agent in the field.

While Jade is her own superwoman. She has broken barriers to become who she is today. She has come this far, and she does whatever it takes to stay on top of her game.

Both women were assigned to the division office of the FBI located in Los Angeles, California.

Perrie's team is on the 5th floor together with other investigative units. There are five other agents who work under her supervision, and they are compressed together in separate cubicles near Perrie's glass office. This is so she could still see her subordinates even if she's in her office.

On the same floor the Deputy Chief's office is also located.

It was the day after their successful raid of one of the biggest human-trafficking syndicates. While Perrie's team was complete, she, however, came late.

She donned her dark brown sunglasses as soon as the elevator doors opened, hiding the bags under her eyes.

Everyone that came her way greeted her, and Perrie had no problems greeting back. She can't especially wipe the smile off her face the moment she paused and saw her team including a certain brunette. And although she was wearing sunglasses, Jade noticed the blonde's eyes were trained on her. Perrie moved along to her office. And Jade couldn't seem to take her eyes off her superior.

Their subtle interaction, however, didn't go unnoticed by Leigh-Anne's watchful eye. Her eyebrow shot right up as she looked at the brunette whose focus was now on the laptop in front of her.

Leigh clears her throat. Jade remained unfazed and continued typing away. Leigh cleared her throat again...and again...and again...until Jade finally noticed.

"Are you...sick or something?" the brunette asks, never taking her eyes off her laptop. "Is your throat sore? I have throat lozenges here."

Leigh couldn't take it much longer, so she rolled her office chair to Jade's side. She then rests her arms on top of the brunette's table, hoping to finally get Jade's attention. This tactic seemed to be effective as Jade stopped typing to look at Leigh-Anne.

"Okay...what do you want?"

Leigh grinned, "You did it again, didn't you?"

"Did what?"

"With Sergeant Edwards," Leigh whispered the last word as she wiggled her eyebrows to annoy the hell out of the brunette. Jade chuckled at this. She knows exactly what Leigh meant. And Leigh knows a lot. She and Leigh-Anne go way back; they even started The Academy together, that's how they became close. "Um-hmm...I know that smile."

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