A Twist of Fate - Bonus

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Earth LM5

Perrie is walking towards Jade's grave. She takes a deep breath before sitting on the grass when she is in front of the headstone. She then placed the bouquet of flowers next to it and lit a candle.

For Perrie, it's been a long time since she visited Jade. A lot has happened to her. But like what The Oracle said, time works differently in every universe.

In Earth LMX, it has already been five years since a portal sucked in Perrie, but in Earth LM5, it's only been five days since she was gone.

So when she visited the hospital where she used to work, most of her colleagues were surprised to see her. Not because she was gone for so long, but because they thought she already left for Germany. Especially Jesy, she was the one who helped Perrie land a great opportunity in Germany so she could have a fresh start.

They were bidding her goodbye and good luck before, and five days later, Perrie returned. Jesy thought Perrie declined the offer, which is also highly possible, but she was even more shocked at the real reason why.

Just like Perrie when she first arrived at Earth LMX, Jesy couldn't believe it. Jesy thought that Perrie was going mental because of losing Jade and that she'd made up stories to cope with the loss. However, that changed when Jade–from Earth LMX–showed up with Althea. That left Jesy completely shocked and frozen for a long while. It took Jesy another hour or so to believe everything.

Since Jesy is her most trusted friend, she's the only person she has told about her adventures in the last five years. And that was also Perrie's way of saying goodbye to her friend and her reason to bid goodbye to her old home and universe.

She wanted to make sure that no one from Earth LM5 would worry about her if they didn't see her for a while. And that's what happened before she visited Jade's memorial.

Now that she's in front of Jade's grave, she can finally get the closure that she needs.

"I can still remember clearly the night you visited me," Perrie smiles as she runs her finger along the cursive line of Jade's name etched on the headstone. "You were smiling at me, like always. Looking at me lovingly like how you used to."

Even if Perrie was smiling, a tear still fell from her eye. It's not because she's still hurting, but because she's happy remembering how happy Jade looked the night she saw her one last time.

"I thought life goes on like what they say, but my life stopped right at the moment you died." Perrie's voice trembled a little. "But then you came to me that night and asked me to let you go...and that's when I realized that life only goes on if you let go of the things that are stopping you from moving forward."

She took a deep breath and wiped the tear on her cheek.

"I didn't want to let you go because I loved you too much, but you showed me that love isn't just about holding on...but also about letting go." Perrie removes the dried leaf sitting atop Jade's headstone. "You saved me that night, Jade. You showed me the way to where I should go. I got my life back because of you."

Perrie then stands up and dusts off her pants, still looking at Jade's headstone.

"I won't be able to visit you here again, but you will always be in my heart until the next life. And wherever you are..."

Perrie closed her eyes as she whispered...

"I know you can hear me." She kissed the tip of her hand and touched Jade's headstone before leaving.

Perrie was then greeted by her wife and their daughter Althea, who was waiting for her outside the cemetery, ready to open a portal for them to go back to Perrie's new home, Earth LMX.

From Jade's headstone, the gush of wind blew in an odd direction. It blew up to the clear sky until it left Earth LM5 and travelled through space and time until it reached a different universe.

From there, the wind blew down at the exact same spot where Jade, Emily, and Perrie were playing catch at the park.

Emily threw the ball in Jade's direction, but she wasn't able to catch it. She went after the ball in the direction of the huge tree. Right at that moment, the wind that travelled from Earth LM5 reached Jade.

She stops in her tracks after she picks up the ball and glances up at the sky. She closes her eyes to feel the breeze brushing past her sun-kissed skin and takes a deep breath.

Yes, indeed...Jade heard Perrie from Earth LM5. She heard everything the blonde whispered to the wind. At that moment, she knew that her past life finally got the closure it needed. And they are both happy living their new life with the same but different person they love.

"Mom! What's taking you so loooong?"

Jade opens her eyes to see Emily and Perrie approach her.

"Is everything alright, babe?" Perrie asks as she kisses her temple.

Jade smiles at her. "Yes...everything is perfectly fine." She kisses Perrie. Sweet and soft and gentle. It's a savouring kiss where Jade is thankful to the gods for giving her another chance at life to spend it with the woman she loves the most. The kiss took a while.

Emily clears her throat. "Come on, moms! There's a time and place for that!"

The two broke apart and laughed at Emily's reaction. Perrie pecked her lips again before Jade passed the ball to Emily, and they continued playing in the park the entire afternoon.

— END — 

 ♫ You're Still The One - Boygenius Cover 


Hello there,

Glad you're still around despite our absence. 

This is the part where we close the chapter of book 2. There were plans to produce book 3, but life happened. LittleRed and I are hoping we'll be able to finish the draft for the first story. I think we won't be making it a one-shot-ish kind of book. Instead, it'll be a standalone book. Just like the other times, no promises on the when.

Our main concern for holding back on the draft is whether there would still be people reading anything Jerrie-related, especially now that we rarely get any new Jerrie material. And I told my wife, "Yes, there'd still be Jerrie readers, my love. It's a matter of publishing content that would make them come out." I'm crossing my fingers as I said that.

A lot has happened this year. I lost a couple of jobs here and there, but we're beyond blessed to find clients who know my and my wife's worth. We've made investments for our future. Our fur babies continue to add up. My dream of providing a shelter for street cats and dogs is coming to fruition even though my wife often greets me with an unimpressed look whenever I tell her I just fed a stray cat in front of our gate. We are building our lives, and there's nowhere to go but UP.

As 2023 comes to an end, we hope to see you in 2024 and in the coming years with more adventures from us (mostly my wife's brain).


LittleRed + Gyle

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