Breathe - VI

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Our decisions define who we are and what life we lead, and we should, therefore, dedicate our lives to what we want.

Life is a lot easier for us than we put it out to be. We all know what life we want to lead. We just need to realize it, and act upon it.

Perrie genuinely believes that her life now would be wildly different if it wasn't for that one random name appearing before the leaf that fell on her lap.

As she turned around to head to her room after Taylor left, she stopped in her tracks when she saw Jade was already outside of her room, staring at her.

"Jade? Are you...okay?"

She noticed that the brunette was about to cry, but what surprised her was when Jade ran towards her and engulfed her in a tight embrace. Although ultimately confused, Perrie hugged Jade back and closed her eyes to savor the warmth the brunette radiated. And that felt so good.

Jade woke up to find a face of an angel, hovering above her with a pale yellow light energy surrounding him. He was wearing a hood and wielding a sword, the angel was smiling at her but did not say anything. He offered his hand to her, the brunette gladly took it.

At first, she was confused about what was going on, but as soon as she stood up, she was surprised to see her lifeless body being cradled by Perrie who was sobbing hard. Her eyes grew wide at the scene before her. She looked at the angel who held her hand, but he didn't utter a word.

Jade saw Perrie screaming as she gazed up at the sky, crying her heart out, but she couldn't hear the blonde's cries. She doesn't hear anything but silence. She then realized what was going on. She's dead. And she's now leaving her human body...and Perrie.

She didn't want to go with the angel escorting her, but she couldn't do anything because she was being whisked up to the sky.

The journey was quick, and their surroundings came and went like a blur. When they got to their destination, Jade saw a lot of souls that were just like her – souls that were guided to the gates of the afterlife.

She followed the rest of the souls who were walking inside the gates. When they reached the end, a bright golden light wrapped her. It was too bright that she had to close her eyes.

When she felt that the light wasn't there anymore, she opened her eyes. And that's when it hit her – her time on earth has ended...again. It's time for her to choose another life on earth. She's back in the garden of Paradisum.

Paradisum is the source of the creation of the universe. It was bright and beautiful and glorious. Certainly Paradisum was pure and pristine, ordered and filled, it was abundant and expansive.

There were all kinds of trees growing out of the ground – trees that were pleasing to the eye and good for food. In the middle of the garden were the tree of life and the tree of knowledge of good and evil.

There were flowers of all shapes, sizes, and kind, with different colored butterflies nipping at them. Different kinds of birds were adorning the sky, while exotic-looking animals roamed the land. Streams of river made its path across the land, and in a corner was a majestic waterfall.

Jade continued to walk until she reached the tree of life to recall everything that she learned and discovered as she lived her human life. She's writing everything down using a fountain pen with a glowing white feather. Its ink isn't black, but golden.

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