Under Cover - III

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Once in the office, Jade and Leigh-Anne wasted no time in researching. Normally when they get new cases like these, they don't let it last longer than a few days to investigate. It just wasn't acceptable that the day ends and they've got nothing certain on the case.

After a few hours of research and making some phone calls, Jade and Leigh received an email from Hailee about the results of the blood specimen found in the crime scene and from the DNA tests that she ran. They have names of their victims that point to one suspect in the FBI's database. And the suspect could lead them to other suspects of the crime.

Jade finally decides to take a break and grab a snack while Leigh's finishing other reports. Like usual, she ordered her favorite tea and sandwich in the cafeteria and had them delivered to their floor. Leigh ordered some snacks, too.

Only her and Leigh were left in the office while the rest of Perrie's team are with her on a different case.

"How long have you known Miss Steinfeld?"

"Hm?" Leigh hums as she types away on her laptop.

Jade tried again, "Hailee..."

"Oh, the Forensic-chatter lady?"


"Hmm...not long. And I don't really know her personally. I've only worked with her once or twice on a case, and that's it. Why'd you ask?" she raised an eyebrow and glanced at Jade. "You like her? Nope...I'm not gonna let you. You should be with the reserved and mysterious Sergeant, and not with the chatty Scientist."

"She asked about Per–I mean, Sergeant Edwards a while ago. And no, I don't like her...like...like her. She seems nice though. I don't mind if she's chatty, just wondering if she and the Sergeant know each other."

Leigh smirks as she takes a bite off of her sandwich, "I don't know anything about that, but what I know is that your Sergeant is quite famous not just in our division but in every FBI field office in the country and in Puerto Rico. I'm told that every agent and police officer in LA knows a thing or two about her. I mean, she's top of her class, and in training – that's basically what made her famous. Plus, she's gorgeous, who wouldn't bother to know her?"

Jade blinks a couple of times at the amount of information that Leigh knows about Perrie.

"How come you know more things about her than I do?"

Leigh scoffs, "I'm the nosy agent here...but that's just a secret. It's one of my techniques when investigating, really. And by the way, why don't you ask your Sergeant yourself about Hailee?"

Jade slumps in her seat, "Not gonna happen. We don't talk about personal stuff, remember? Just boring work stuff."

Leigh slowly shakes her head, "I can't believe both of you."

"One rule of avoiding relationships is to not ask about personal stuff."

"So, you both set the rules? You talked about it?"

Jade shrugs, "Not really. It just happened. I just didn't ask about personal stuff, and she did the same."

"Interesting...I wonder how you guys started hooking up. Like the first time, you know? Don't tell me it just happened?"

Jade didn't answer right away, trying to recall how she and Perrie started hooking up in the first place.

"Yeah...it just happened." Leigh almost spat out the iced tea she drank.

"Seriously?! Were you both drunk?"

Jade looks at Leigh-Anne who was wiping the corners of her lips. "No, we weren't even drunk. It just...happened...in her car."

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