Under Cover - VIII

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Both women remained silent after Perrie retells her story. She knows that Jade is still processing everything, so she just allowed the brunette to let it sink in.

They were staring at the somber lake with no geese and ducks in sight. They didn't mind it though because they're sharing a comfortable silence.

Jade used to think of a lot of possible reasons why Perrie was such a guarded person. She mainly thought that the blonde went through a nasty heartbreak, or someone betrayed her beyond reason. But the harsh truth is, all those possibilities weren't even close to Perrie's reality.

Perrie heaved a deep breath, ultimately making Jade lose her train of thought, and the silence that hung in the air broke along with it.

Jade looks at Perrie, waiting for the blonde to say something when she notices in her peripheral view a lone bench not far behind them, which was illuminated by a nearby lamppost.

"Oh..." Jade stands up and dusts the dirt off her jeans. It was Perrie's turn to look at her and follow her lead as the brunette walked up to the bench a few steps away.

When Jade was near it, she read the plaque plastered on it. Her eyebrow shot right up. "Wow..." she huffed. "...out of all the spots here in the park, we didn't realize we were just sitting close by the bench owned by this world's version of us."

Perrie takes a peek over the brunette's shoulder to read what's written on the plaque.

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Then, there was another plaque Perrie noticed just beside the first one. It looked like it was recently added, too.

 It looked like it was recently added, too

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Perrie smiles after, feeling amazed at how inconspicuous and cunning the multiverse is.

"I can't believe that there are really people who choose to spend the rest of their lives together," Perrie comments. "I used to believe that this concept only existed in fiction."

"You also once believed that magic is fictional," Jade reminded her. "Harry Potter may just be a fictional character, but magic is real. And so is the multiverse, and so is having someone to spend the rest of your life with."

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