Leap - VII

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Back in Exobase City, they lived harmonious lives. Perrie lived together with Taylor. Leigh and Jesy were their extended family members. But as time went on, a lot happened, especially how the Chief ruled their supposedly "exemplary" system.

The once united Space City started to fall apart, little by little. Especially when the time device was invented. Leigh and Jesy got lucky, they saw a chance to escape Exobase City without being detected.

They were all walking silently as they near Jesy's hideout when Jade nudged Perrie and whispered, "I think I know how to help your sister." She and Perrie were walking at a slower pace from the three women who were walking ahead of them.

Perrie and Jade were discussing Jade's idea until they reached Jesy's hideout. There was a huge willow tree, behind it was a secret entrance. As usual, it's an underground bunker. But this one's bigger than the other one in Kansas.

"Hey, guys..." Perrie cleared her throat, making the three women turn to her and Jade right after they got inside Jesy's hideout. "We're leaving."

Jesy raised a perfect eyebrow, "Where are you going?"

"To the future," Jade answered. "The time when I created the microcircuit."

Leigh's eyes widened, "You're going to meet the future you?"

Jade shakes her head, "I won't show myself. Perrie here will do all the work to get the microcircuit."

"Are you certain about this?" Jesy asks.

Perrie nodded, "I can't just watch my sister die."

"It's fine, Pez...I completed my mission, at least they now think that you're all dead. You and the girls are safe now. I'm ready..." Taylor offered her a smile.

Perrie, on the other hand, only stared at her sister, but her emotions were swirling in her eyes even if she was an A.I. "Well, I'm not."

"She's right, we're not ready." Leigh agreed. There was a moment of silence before Taylor sat on the sofa wordlessly, followed by Jesy.

"Now is not the right time to give up," Jesy said. "You've fought for us. Heck, you even killed for us. You did all that you could to keep us safe. And now what, you'll just...die? We can't let that happen. That is not the T-Swift that we know."

Taylor leaned back onto the sofa with a deep breath.

"We're going to get that microcircuit," Perrie said with finality.

"We'll take care of her, Pez," Leigh assured her. "Just go and be careful."

Perrie nods at Leigh and Jesy who nodded back at her. She then looked at her sister.

"Well, I'm outnumbered," Taylor raised both of her arms and let them fall to her sides. "And you're the most stubborn person I know."

"Then you know that there's no way you can stop me from going."

Taylor sighs, "I know that. But..." Taylor turned her attention to Jade.

"But what?" Perrie asks.

"Just remember, you're going in the middle of the timeline of you and Jade."

"What does that mean?" Jade inquired.

"It's your future, and technically Perrie's past. If you change something during that time, it won't very much affect you. But it will affect Perrie's." Taylor warned.

"I thought we can never alter the past?" Perrie questioned. "That we can only deal with them today and change the future?"

"We're technically from the future, Pez. That's why you were sent on this mission at exactly this timeline because this is the present," Taylor explained. "Jade's time is the present. Whatever is happening today can change our future."

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