Breathe - V

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Leigh-Anne was all smiles even before the two women set foot inside her café.

"Hi ladies, it's nice to see you two together," she greets them.

"Oh–uhm, I bumped into her on my way here." Perrie explains.

"Uh-huh..." Leigh hummed. "What do you guys want, the usual?"


" it weird that I want to eat ice cream right at this moment?" Jade cut Perrie off.

The blonde whipped her head at Jade. It still fascinates her that Jade seems to be the same person in every lifetime, but no matter what she does, the brunette couldn't remember even the simplest memory of them together.

"No, not at all..." Perrie answered. "I think I'm gonna have ice cream, too, Leigh."

Leigh raised an eyebrow, "Well, you're both lucky. I still have few flavors available in my freezer."

"Thanks, Lee! You're the best!" Jade exclaimed. Her and Perrie made their way to the same, usual spot where the blonde often stayed. "So...what happened to the angel when the girl died?"

Perrie glances to Jade, trying to remember what happened after she lost the brunette. But all that she could remember was the feeling of grief, heartbreak, and anger.

"Lost. Couldn't find her way back. Casted out of heaven," Perrie began. "She stayed on earth physically alive but dead on the inside. She wasn't strong enough and the death of the mortal broke her completely. She lost her faith, lost herself – she has sinned in many ways."

"When did the curse happen? Who cursed them?" Jade inquired.

Perrie had to blink a couple of times, she can't recall how or when the curse happened if she was being honest. Just then, Leigh came to their table bringing their ice cream.

"Don't stare too much, she might melt before the ice cream does." Leigh whispered to Perrie which startled the blonde. She briefly glances at the caramel-skinned woman who sent a wink her way before returning behind the counter.

Perrie smiled to herself and refocused on Jade who seemed to be oblivious at what happened because she's too preoccupied eating her ice cream. The blonde's smile grew wide watching the brunette eat the cold dessert.

"If you're not gonna eat your ice cream, I will..." Jade teased, smirking as she looked at Perrie's bowl of ice cream as if it's the most satisfying thing to eat in the world. This actually made the blonde shake her head and giggle at what Jade said. "C'mon, let's continue with your story. Who cursed them?"

Perrie lowered her gaze to the melting ice cream in front of her, she took a teaspoon and tasted the ice cream. "I...haven't gotten to that part yet..."

But the truth is Perrie really doesn't know who cursed them. The only thing she remembers was waking up on the side of the road with a burning cursed mark on her nape.

"Have you thought about who did it?" Jade asks.

"No, but whoever cursed pure evil."

"Like the devil?"


As they ate their ice cream, the storm outside was getting worse, they saw it through the glass walls. Even the door of the café was banging from the whistling of the strong winds.

"I think I'm gonna close early tonight, ladies," Leigh-Anne announced. "Snowstorm is about to hit our town by midnight. You two should go home early as well, and be safe." Both women nodded.

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