The Aftermath - II

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"Mr. Horan, Finance asked me to deliver these forms to you," a woman said as she handed Niall a couple of folders.

"H-Hi, thanks. You're new?"

The woman nods, "Intern. Just started last week. I'm Jade." She smiles at him and extends her hand for him to shake.

"Nice. I didn't know Mr. Styles had an opening for interns. I'm Niall."

"We're short-staffed," another guy chimed in. "In case you didn't notice, our task list is always full."

Niall leaned farther on his swivel chair and placed his hands behind his head. " was never empty to begin with," he agreed. "This is Jordan Stephens, by the way, Employee of the Year." Jordan awkwardly waves at Jade, his eyes never really meeting hers.

"Do you need help?" Jade changes the topic. "That's what I'm here for, to help you with your workload."

Niall looked at his desk, ", we're good–"

"Actually...yes, if it's alright with you." Jordan cut Niall off before he could dismiss Jade. Niall eyes Jordan suspiciously with a grin forming on his mouth. "Could you maybe grab us some coffee down the street?"

"Dude, I don't think that's part of her job–"

"No, it's fine. I actually bought coffee for Mr. Styles once or twice."

"Of course, you did. He's the owner! Heck, I would even buy coffee for him, too! I mean..." Niall was rambling when he finally noticed Jordan signaling him to just go with the flow. He sighs, "Okay, fine! Black coffee and chocolate muffin for me."

"Caramel latte with double espresso shot for me," Jordan added as he handed Jade some money.

"Be right back!" Jade says as she leaves the guys alone.

When the brunette was no longer in sight, Niall turned to Jordan, narrowing his eyes at him.

"What? She said it's fine." Jordan reasons out.

"You like her." Niall grins wider.

"What are you talking about?"

"You don't normally talk to girls around here."

Jordan scoffs, "I don't normally talk to anyone."

Niall chuckled, "Fair point. But you like her, buddy."

"Back to work, Horan."

Jade went straight to the coffee shop next to the building she's working from. She bought exactly what the guys ordered and rushed back. Even though those guys could just be messing with her, she can't mess up at work. Many college graduates would die to have her position right now. It wasn't a surprise when she showed up for the interview, there was a warehouse full of women and men alike in their freshly-pressed suits and dresses, doing their best to impress whoever was going to interview them.

It wasn't as surprising the next day when only a selected fifteen people made the cut. And Jade is one of them.

When she was nearing the building, and the orders in hand, she noticed a black Rolls Royce Phantom Limo parked right up front. No matter how fancy the car looked, she didn't pay much attention and went straight to the elevator when a raven-haired lady security blocked her way.

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