A Twist of Fate - VI

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A few days had passed and Jade and Perrie hadn't heard from each other since. It's as though they have this mutual and unspoken understanding that after that night, they shouldn't see nor talk to one another again. Maybe they both need more time to think about it or decide what to do next.

Jade spent most of her nights in her bar, performing two to three songs. It's her way of relaxing and diverting her attention elsewhere while the school is on break for the holidays.

New Year's Eve came, and Jade decided to celebrate it at her bar.

They had their own countdown. Her playlist is ready, but since it's still too early, she sings slow songs while waiting for the patrons and enthusiasts of her bar to show up.

"This song that I'll be singing next is an original," Jade says. She heard the crowd howl and whistle at her confession. "I wrote this while I was still in college going through some...you know, teenage heartache." She smiles at the crowd and chuckles a little.

She'd been singing at her bar for a long time now and she has garnered quite a bit of fans that frequented her joint. And they only go there whenever she's around.

Jade started to play her guitar strings as she sat on the wooden stool up the stage and began singing.

After she sang the chorus, the crowds applauded as they watched and listened to Jade's lyrics. It's as if they, too, felt what Jade felt.

She was singing through the second verse when someone caught her eye.

I bet...You think I either moved on or hate you...

'Cause each time you reach out there's no reply.

I bet...It never, ever occurred to you...

That I can't say "Hello" to you

And risk another goodbye...

She saw Perrie. The blonde's gaze wandered over Jade's face, coming back to her eyes and standing by the entrance of the bar, watching her. Even so, Jade continued to sing.

Since she saw Perrie, she hadn't looked elsewhere, especially when every word and lyric of her song was intended for Perrie.

Oh, we made quite a mess, babe...

It's probably better off this way.

And I confess, babe...

In my dreams you're touching my face,

And asking me if I'd wanna try again with you.

And I almost do...

Unbeknownst to Jade, a tear fell from Perrie's eyes. She subtly wiped it away. Jade, on the other hand, couldn't hide the fact that she's become teary-eyed as well as she continued singing.

Even the crowd was silent. They felt every ounce of Jade's feelings up until the last line of her song.

And I hope sometimes you wonder 'bout me...

Jade closed her eyes after she sang the last word. When she opened her eyes, Perrie was no longer there. She eyed the crowd, who erupted into applause and cheering but couldn't find her.

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