Before Dawn - I

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Tell me this cover isn't scorching hot? 😏 Another work of art of my beloved, D

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Tell me this cover isn't scorching hot? 😏 Another work of art of my beloved, D.

It's been months since Jade stumbled upon the world of mortals.

She's been to different realms many times before, but this is the first time she came into the world of real human beings.

Curious as to how humans get through their day, she stayed longer for a while to observe and study them. She's met different people, encountered lots of troubles here and there. But unlike her Father, she never tells anyone who or what she is. It's not because she's not honest, she just doesn't like telling people what she's up to or telling them anything about herself.

Jade's been to many places. She has traveled far and wide to different countries. Even if she has the power to teleport technically anywhere she wants to, she tries to keep a low profile and takes advantage of the miles she earned from flights.

Besides, airplane rides are fun! She enjoys seeing the squirming faces of some passengers the moment the plane takes off the runway. Even the most macho of men feel squeamish during take off. Though sometimes, it's less fun when some passengers she's on a flight with leaves her a secret note asking if she wanted to join the Mile High Club. I mean, come on! Gross! Unless Jade feels a little risqué that day, then why the heck not?

Then one day, when she's almost done everything, she started to get bored. Although she loves the place, amongst all the worlds she's been to, this one's the most peaceful for her. People are minding their own business, no one gives a damn what she wears. She actually felt as though she's living life like a normal person for once.

But then again, she misses the action. Where she uses her powers to fight for something.

Out of boredom, she randomly opened a portal without any idea what world or realm she's going to end up in. Just like what she usually does. Like picking a random location inside a top hat, Jade thinks it's more exciting if she doesn't know what to expect once she opens a portal.

As she stepped foot into the new world, mayhem and chaos greeted her. It's not that it's not common in hell, it's just disturbing that something like this would happen in a world other than hell. It seemed like this world was at war. And whoever was the enemy, it looks like they are winning because everything around her is engulfed in flames.

There were explosions on different sides of this world. She looks up to find different kinds of creatures scouting from above. She's not sure what kind of creatures they were. Sure, she was born and raised in hell for a long time, but not all hideous and repulsive creatures live there. Only demons that are her Father's minions are usually present in hell. And one of the most sacred rules of her Father is that none of those demons are allowed to roam other worlds and realms but his.

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