Under Cover - VII

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Jade appeared at the exact place where Perrie popped-up earlier – in the middle of a deserted highway. It was getting dark out, and aside from the cold weather, it was a little foggy, too.

She studies her surroundings, listening for any signs of footsteps or movement. It has been a few hours since she sent Perrie in this universe, so it's understandable why the blonde wasn't there anymore.

She noticed the skid marks on the concrete road forming a donut which was left by a locked, sliding tire, and it could only mean one thing – someone found Perrie. She crouched and looked closely at the tire marks to examine them.

"Hmm...a shadow gray metallic Corvette Stingray," Jade mumbles to herself before she stood up to look ahead where the car could possibly have driven to.

If her calculations were correct, and seeing the obvious that there weren't any other streets the car could've gone into, the vehicle went straight to the city. And since there weren't many cars around, Jade would have to take an awfully long walk.

She sighs, she has no choice but to use another spell again that would lead her to the place where Perrie is.

"Accipere me," With a flick of her finger Jade appeared in a park.

She scans the area and notices that just to the west side of the park were concrete skyscrapers, decorating the backdraft. She's in Central Park, New York.

There weren't a lot of people out, so it won't be hard to look for Perrie. She looks around her and finally spots the shadow gray Corvette Stingray that was parked in front of Wasabi Bar and Resto.

Jade wasted no time and made her way to the bar where she found Perrie, talking to someone who looked just like their Chief.

As soon as she got in, Perrie immediately saw her since she was facing the entrance of the joint. The blonde stopped talking to her companion when she saw the brunette, while Jesy did a double take. Perrie on instinct got up and ran over to Jade and hugged her tightly which shocked the brunette.

"How's your head?" she asked after she let go.

"I'm good. I'm fine." Jade assured her.

"H-How did you find me?"

"Uhm–" Jade gulped hard, suddenly turning a lovely shade of red. She couldn't, for some reason, say out loud that she found Perrie using her thong. "I'll explain later. We need to go, Perrie."

Jesy cleared her throat which caused both women to look at her.

"Oh! Jade...this is Jesy, not-our-Chief Jesy, but...yeah, she's another version of Jesy." Perrie awkwardly explains it to Jade since she's still trying to wrap her head around the idea of a multiverse.

"Hi, you must be the girl with very expressive brown eyes, sun-kissed glowing skin, and with a perfect body," Jesy chimed in as she introduced herself. This made Jade confused, while Perrie was startled at Jesy's words she just wished the earth would swallow her whole now. "That's how your Sergeant over here described you earlier."

Jade briefly glances at a wide-eyed, flustered Perrie who still couldn't believe that Jesy exposed her.

"Uh...Hi, it's Jade." She stretches an arm out for Jesy to shake.

"I can't believe I just met the parallel versions of my favorite couple!" Jesy squealed.

"Oh, we're not–" Perrie and Jade said in unison which caused them to look at each other when they realized they said the same thing.

Jesy scoffs, "Yup, I heard that many times from the other versions of you. And look at where they are now, the brunette got the blonde pregnant." Both women are utterly shocked at how straightforward this Jesy was. "Anyway, I won't keep you long. You guys have someplace to be. It was nice meeting you both."

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