A Twist of Fate - III

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The next couple of days, Jade was a little distracted, especially whenever she saw Emily. She decided to give them a written activity instead of teaching them a new lesson.

She was sitting behind the desk as she observed her students, and she can't help but glance every now and then at Emily.

Jade couldn't believe that Perrie now has a family. Alex seemed to be a nice guy, so she was happy to see that Perrie is happy with her family. After all, she deserves nothing but happiness.

For her...well, she has never loved anyone the way that she loved Perrie. She was her greatest love. But she let Perrie go a long time ago. It was her decision to leave, so she has to suck up the consequences that Perrie is not hers to lose.

Her trail of thought was only interrupted when a woman knocked on her classroom door.

"Hi! Sorry to interrupt your class," said the woman.

Jade stood up and approached the visitor. "It's fine. They are just doing some fun activities anyway. Can I help you?"

"Oh, uhm...I was told I will be taking over this class. I just dropped by to visit and personally thank you for temporarily handling them for me."

Jade smiles. The girl seems nice, and gorgeous, too.

"I'm Leigh-Anne, by the way. Leigh-Anne Pinnock." She extends her hand out for Jade to shake.

"Don't worry, you're lucky to have this class. They are the most behaved preschoolers I know," the brunette chuckles. "I'm Jade Thirlwall."

"Oh–" Leigh was about to say something when she stopped herself when she heard the name being repeated in her mind. "Jade Thirlwall?" She stares at the brunette which made Jade confused.

"Yeah? You seemed surprised. You know me?"

"Uhm, no, actually...it's just..." Leigh smiles. "OH MY GOD!" she shrieked a little, making Jade all the more confused. But she just stood there, waiting for Leigh-Anne to say something more. "You're the missing person!!!"

"The what??"

"Someone's been looking for you for ten years!!"


Their conversation was cut short when one of the kids in the back cried. From the looks of it, two of them were running around, chasing each other when one of them stumbled to the floor.

"Oh my!"

"Go, and take care of the boys, I need to go anyway," Leigh urged her. "I'll catch up with you sometime this week, yeah?"

Even if Jade had no idea what the woman was talking about, she just nodded and rushed to the crying kid. "Yeah, sure!"

"It was really nice finally meeting you!" Leigh shouts a little as her eyes follow every little thing that Jade does to comfort the crying kid.

"I found her! Ooh...this is exciting!" She mumbles to herself before dialing Perrie's number.




Jade slams her hand on her alarm clock. This time, she was 30 minutes awake even before her alarm went off.

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