Only You - VIII

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Leigh-Anne stayed there until she could no longer see Perrie in sight. When she was sure the coast was clear, she spoke again, "You two can come out now. She's gone."

As soon as she said that; Perrie, the most powerful Crodraux and Calavump Jade, came out from behind a tree, each of them wearing a crown made of daffodils. The pair walked hand in hand, giggling as they approached Leigh-Anne.

"How did you know that we're here already?" Perrie inquired.

Leigh spun around facing the two women as she crossed her arms across her chest. "I know you two did something..."

Perrie and Jade looked at each other, suppressing a laugh.

"What did we do this time?" Jade asked, failing miserably at keeping herself from grinning wide.

Leigh raised an eyebrow in question but decided not to press further. " visiting time is over. I should go back."

Jade and Perrie both smiled at Leigh. "Bye, Lee!!" They chorused. With a snap of her finger, Leigh-Anne was gone. She returned to her world from another universe. The world where Jade and Perrie both sacrificed themselves to be with each other, and to restore the balance of nature.

Leigh-Anne was once a powerful Crodraux, and even after Perrie's ascension, she didn't truly lose all her powers because she's one of those responsible in keeping the balance of nature on earth. Her way of visiting another dimension is through deep meditation.

Jade and Perrie were left on the fields of daffodils as they looked up at the Hyperion trees around them. Perrie was hugging Jade from behind.

"You think they will end up together in the end?" Perrie asks as she buries her nose on the crook of Jade's neck.

Jade hummed. "I hope so."

"We'll not get punished for helping them see each other, right?"

"Nope," Jade turned so she was now facing Perrie. She cupped the blonde's cheeks. "We didn't break any rules, my love. I know what it feels like to see someone you love but couldn't hold them. I've been there."

Perrie pulled Jade closer, with a concerned look in her eyes, " don't have to relive those memories anymore."

Jade lightly shakes her head as she gazes at the blonde's crystal blue eyes. "Reliving those memories reminds me of how far we've come. We're literally living in our happy ending. I could only hope they get their happy ending, too."

"I have faith in all our parallel versions. No matter what, they'll always end up together."

Jade smiles as she captures Perrie's lips in hers. Even if they've kissed a thousand times over, she still can't get over the fact that every single time, there's always this warm feeling deep inside her that never grows old. She rests her forehead against Perrie's for a while. She then held the blonde's waist before they jumped up their house that's hundreds of feet up the majestic tree.

Dying feels like being pulled away from your body into a dark vacuum-like tunnel. Some say, it will seem as though you're flying through it with a blur of lights on the outer edges. Others say that it will feel as though you were floating. While others say that you won't feel anything at all.

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