The Aftermath - III

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Days became more boring for Jade as she continued to work her 9-to-5 job. And to be perfectly honest, she wasn't quite sure in the first place why she applied as an intern in Disora. She thought it would be fun, she'd gain experience and maybe some new friends from it all. But all she got was an endless loop of boredom since most people were really doing their jobs for a change.

There wasn't a lot to do in the office ever since Perrie Edwards took over the company. All of the staff were working full-time now, unlike before, where Jade was quite essential to them as she grabbed coffee for them while they slack around and gossip. This time around, everyone is busy except for her. So, she decides to take the rest of the day off.

Jade, of course, asked permission from Taylor since she's the in-charge of the interns. Taylor had no problems in letting her take a break since there weren't any major deadlines to meet.

Coincidentally, Leigh-Anne called Jade and asked her to meet in a cafe near Disora.

They had been chatting about random stuff in the cafe for half an hour now, and their snacks were almost finished when Leigh saw someone she least expected to see.

Leigh face-palmed herself, "Oh...God..."

"What? Where's God?" Jade asks, turning her head in the direction where Leigh is looking as she swirls her straw and sips on her smoothie.

"No, it's not God.'s that guy from last weekend that I told you about."

"Oh? The one who stood you up on your first date?" Jade's eyes darkened.


"And then he–"

Leigh-Anne nods, "Yup, that's the guy."

"Okay..." Jade puts her smoothie on the table and stands up. Leigh was able to hold her arm to stop her.

"What are you doing?" Leigh whisper-yelled. "Sit's fine."

"Oh–now what he did to you was fine? Then, I guess second degree murder is fine, too. So, I'm just–"

"Stop! Stop it, Jade, okay? What are you gonna do? Kill him with a straw?"

Jade glances at her drinking straw and thinks for a second. "Well, I can try." She smirked.

Leigh groaned, "Shut up and sit down. Seriously! Let's just pretend he doesn't exist," she says as she subtly peeps at the guy who was seated on the far side of the cafe, checking something on his phone while waiting for his order.

"I can't and I don't like pretending. So, why not make him not exist at all." Jade grinned, her eyes had gone a dark shade of brown.

"Jade..." Leigh warned, staring daggers at her friend.

"Okay, fine...I'm just gonna talk to him then."

"No! Absolutely not."

Jade sighs and Leigh manages to calm her friend when the brunette sits back down. But Leigh doesn't know that Jade is still observing him, and she can still sense the humiliation that the douche of a guy did to her friend. With little remorse, she stood up again. Only this time, Leigh wasn't fast enough to stop her.

She sauntered her way to the guy's table in three short strides, and sat on the chair opposite him. Leigh-Anne could only smack her head and hope for the best that Jade doesn't do anything terrible to the guy.

In Leigh's observation, Jade and the guy were just casually talking. The guy was even smiling, looking like he's flirting with her friend. Nobody would think that a woman like Jade could do something out of the ordinary to some guy. But that's the thing about Jade, no one has ever resisted her charm once she starts flirting.

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