Only You - IX

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After Jesy and Leigh shared a couple of drinks, they both decided to follow Jade and Taylor.

The sun had just set, the horizon was brilliantly red and orange – it looked tranquil and gorgeous at the same time.

After a few minutes of roaming around the house to look for Jade and Taylor, they finally found them outside.

"What are you two doing in the middle of a tomato farm?" Jesy asks.

Taylor glanced at Jesy, tilting her head a little to find Leigh-Anne following closely behind. Jade was a few meters away from them, looking up at the sky.

"Shh...she's concentrating," Taylor informed them. Jesy and Leigh looked at Jade who was focused at whatever she was doing.

Jesy moved closer to Taylor and whispered, "Is she trying to open the spirit world? The pearly gates of heaven? The portal to the underworld? Like...oh, that is so John Constantine."

Leigh nudged Jesy, signaling to pipe down. But Jesy being Jesy... "Please tell me she's not calling Thanos."

"Jesy!" Leigh whisper-yelled.

"What? Tell me what's going on here! Because this is really weird, and I'll be damned if our friend over there won't get neck pain after she's done with whatever it is she's doing," Jesy continued, causing Leigh to face-palm herself for letting Jesy drink half a bottle of vodka. "Jade's getting weirder and weirder – like, you know...should I expect a golden circle to appear and the Avengers will assemble here... in the tomato farm? That would be dope."

Taylor chuckled, "I would love to see that. But no, that isn't the case. Jade is trying to find a way back to the original timeline – our timeline."

"We have a time device; can't we just use that?" Leigh suggests.

Taylor shakes her head, "I'm afraid using the time device will only cause another timeline to be created again. It will only make the situation worse because we're now in a casual loop."

"A whut now?" Jesy asks, trying to stay focused on their topic.

"A time travel paradox that stems from a casual loop." Taylor answered.

"Oh-kay? Uh...whut? I still don't get it."

"It occurs when a future event is the cause of a past event – which in turn is the cause of the future event. Both events then exist in spacetime, but their origin cannot be determined." Taylor explained.

Jesy huffs, "Can we just go back to Avengers and tomatoes?"

Leigh shakes her head in disapproval, "There's no point in explaining anything to a drunk Jesy, so don't sweat it, T-Swift."

"Bah! Whatever!" Jesy waved her hand before joining Jade in the middle of the farm. She followed the brunette's lead and stared up at the sky wordlessly.

Leigh stood beside Taylor as they watched two of their friends being all weird. "I'm not drunk, but I didn't understand what you said to Jesy," Leigh admitted.

Taylor smiles, "You'll soon understand everything when Jade figures it all out." She and Leigh continued to watch their two friends.

"Are you counting the stars?" Jesy asks.

Jade hummed, "Hmm...are they really stars?"

"According to astronomy, yes, they are. Do you have doubts?"

"A little. Because this world could be a huge experimental place and those stars could be cameras that were made to appear to be stars."

"And who'd you think is experimenting on us?" Jesy questioned.

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