Before Dawn - XVI

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Perrie is now joined by Taylor, Leigh, Anne-Marie, and Jesy on the rooftop as they wait for Jade who is still busy fighting off the forces of evil.

They couldn't make out the things that were actually happening above them as the clouds were so thick and reddish-orange and dark. They could only see flashes of lightning and the rumble of thunder that sounded ten times louder than usual.

"I'm scared for Jade, she's fighting them on her own. Aren't we gonna do something to help her?" Jesy asks and turns to Taylor.

Taylor shakes her head. "She's not alone." Taylor stares up at the dark-red sky.

"The crimson jade stone in her sword can summon both angels and demons. If it falls to the hand of the worthy, its power is limitless." Perrie reassures them. "The stone chose Jade. She has an army of angels and demons fighting alongside her."

"No, Perrie..." Taylor disagreed, causing all of them to look at her. "The stone chose you. I can feel it in you. Its power is flaring up inside you. Your unconditional love for Jade is fueling that fire that connects to Jade. And I can also feel that my abilities are coming back." She briefly closed her eyes and could feel the strength she used to possess when she first saw Jade in her world of hybrids gradually returning.

"What does it mean that Perrie and the stone are one?" Jesy asks. "What will happen to Perrie now? Is she going to have powers, too?"

"No, but her life is now anchored to Jade's. Perrie will continue to live as long as Jade lives." Taylor states matter-of-factly, surprising Perrie a little. Taylor stares back at her. "If Jade dies, you'll die, too. Neither of you is gonna have to spend a day without the other. And Jade will never be alone again."

Perrie was amazed at what Taylor said. She's in disbelief but would rather have Jade like this than not have her at all.

"Guys...look!" Leigh exclaims and points at the sky. The reddish-orange whirlpool and lightning disappeared. The sky seemed and looked peaceful now. Then, Leigh gasps. "It's Jade!!!"

They could see something falling from the sky not far from where they stood.

"Oh no...she's not slowing down," Jesy noted. "I think...I think she's unconscious!"

Perrie's breath hitched when all of a sudden, Taylor jumped off the ledge of the rooftop. "TAY, NO!!! YOU DON'T HAVE YOUR..."

They were all speechless when Taylor emerged from the bottom of the building with her wings! The left was jet-black, like a moonless sky; the other was glacier white. They were nothing short of pristine and immaculate. She's the only hybrid left, and that's what their wings looked like.

"Oh my god! She finally has her wings!!!" Perrie cries out.

Taylor swiftly flew up to intercept Jade's fall. Jesy was right; Jade is indeed unconscious from fighting the Angel of Destruction and his army. She has used up all her energy and passed out. Luckily she's okay, and she succeeded in defeating the darkness.

Everything around them went back to normal.

Jade woke up, and Perrie's face materialized from her hazy vision.

She was lying on her side. Perrie mirrored her position, staring and smiling at the love of her life. This reminded Perrie a lot of their eighth night together, the night when she realized she wanted Jade in her life forever.

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