Under Cover - IX

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When Perrie reached HQ, she forgot she had a pregnant disguise on. Her mind was focused on going straight to The Chief's office. She was surprised when the HQ security blocked her from entering. She immediately got her purse out and showed them her badge. The security did a double take after they saw her disguise up close.

After the security checks, she went to the elevator. When she reached their floor, she didn't bother to greet the people who passed by her, even her own team. She knows, even without looking at them, that they were all shocked by her presence. Especially Leigh-Anne who looked at her with furrowed brows.

"Is that..." Leigh started, but couldn't quite put a word to express what she felt by what she saw.

Niall nods, "Sergeant Edwards."

"Is she..."

"Pregnant." Niall confirmed.

"But how–"

"Jade." Niall concluded.

Leigh raised an eyebrow at Niall's observation, then suddenly gasped in realization. "OH MY GOD! JADE!!!" She punched Niall's shoulder. "Why is she not with her?!"

"Ow!" Niall rubbed the spot where Leigh punched him.

Leigh took out her phone and immediately dialed Jade's number. She's been trying to get a hold of the brunette in the past two days now, but Jade's phone was out of service. Luckily, this time, Jade's phone rang.


"Oh my–Jade! Where are you? Where the hell have you been? W-Why aren't you–"

"Calm down, Lee! I'll tell you everything, but not on the phone, okay? I'll text you the place."

"Wait, hold up. How did you get the Sergeant pregnant in two days?"

"W-What?! No!! That wasn't even real! Jeez!"

"Oh...why didn't I think of that? I thought you had some kind of magic sperm cells or something."

"Shut up, Leigh!" Jade hissed on the other line and hung up.

Leigh then received a text message from Jade. She even added a note that said, 'Don't tell anyone'. But since Leigh knows Jade too well, she followed her friend's instruction.

Meanwhile, inside The Chief's office...

Chief Nelson let Perrie explain where she and Jade went when they both disappeared. Perrie told her the truth even if she isn't sure if The Chief would believe her. She told her everything until the part where she's disguised as a heavily pregnant woman.

Perrie's sitting on the sofa while Jesy's drinking scotch, standing by the floor-to-ceiling windows, looking out at the streets while listening to the blonde.

"Are you mad or something? You don't believe me, do you? You probably think I've gone mad." Perrie sighs, resting her head between her hands. Jesy remained silent, still looking out the window. "Why aren't you saying anything? Say something. Suspend me or fire me if you want."

Jesy puts down her now empty glass on her oak table before turning around to look at Perrie. "Did I just listen to some sort of children's book read by a happy and contented woman who's about to be a mother in a few months?" She glances at the blonde's belly.

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