The Aftermath - V

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Two months passed and Perrie was able to make significant changes in Disora. Taylor managed to convince her to retain half of the fashion side of the company, which she was willing to manage. Perrie had no qualms about that.

What was surprising is that only a handful of employees resigned prior to the relaunch of Disora. Based on HR's report to Taylor, there's only about 80% from the original workforce that chose to stay. And that's because of how Perrie redesigned the employees' benefits.

It has also been two months that Perrie hasn't seen or heard from Jade. She'd been itching to instruct Taylor to find Jade, but she stopped herself. She knows Taylor is right. If she wants to get Jade back, she has to earn her trust. And to earn her trust, meant that she has to leave her be. Perrie made herself busy in her new lab; formulating medicines here and there. Of course, there were instances where it was hard not to think about the brunette.

Meanwhile in The White Lioness Pub, Jade sat on a table in one corner of the bar that's designed for two people to occupy. She has been drinking vodka even if she doesn't get drunk regardless if she drank even a whole bottle of it!

One of the bartenders approaches her with her order and a concerned look in her face. "Rough day?" she asked.

Jade glances briefly at the woman and goes back to staring at her glass. The bartender had been serving her drinks the entire time she's there, she didn't expect the woman to talk to her.

"Is it too obvious?"

"Well, aside from the amount of vodka that you have's also nine in the morning, so...yeah, it's kinda obvious."

Jade's lips curled up into a small smile. She hadn't noticed the time. "Rough months, actually."

"Don't worry, it will pass."

"Yeah, I heard that millions of times already. Just stay positive, and this too shall pass."

"Well, I didn't say to stay positive, did I?" Jade raised an eyebrow at the bartender's remark. "The key to surviving the day isn't positivity, it's acceptance. Accepting that not all days are good and happy. You will have bad days, you will make mistakes, you'll fail, you'll mess up. Everything's not going to fall into place, and that's okay. You just have to accept it the way it is."

Jade sighs. "That's another thing. I'm having trouble accepting things or getting over it."

"You'll never really 'get over it', per say, it'll always be there; even just a little bit, tucked away somewhere. Yes, you'll continue to live your life and not notice it much. But every so often, it'll hurt again – just like now. Unless you do something about it."

This time, Jade turned to look up at the bartender, and read her name badge. "Tell me...Anne-Marie, what would you do if you thought all this time you're still married to the person you ever loved? You've done everything to move on and forget about her because you thought that you two are done, finished – divorced. And here she is...coming back into your life, telling you that she wants you back?"

Anne-Marie simply smiled. "I would be so darn happy, of course." She answered. "If she's the person I ever loved, I'd be the happiest person alive knowing that she's still mine and she still wants me despite spending time apart!"

"But she really hurt you. She lied to you. She broke not just your trust but the"

"It's all in the past. You don't live there anymore."

Jade scoffs, "You probably haven't gotten your heart broken before."

"Oh, I have. Many times, to be honest."

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