Leap - II

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That same day, Perrie's at the mall and was headed for the exit when she saw someone familiar in a clothing store. She went inside and pretended to be checking out clothes in the rack until she was finally standing back-to-back with the person in a matte black leather hood.

"You're not supposed to be here," Perrie whisper-yelled.

"I came to warn you," the hooded person replied. "You've been gone for such a long time! They think that you turned your back on them and that's why they're sending people to find you. Your mission has been compromised!"

"What do you mean? Are you one of those people?" Perrie spun around. The person removed her hood and turned around to face the blonde.

"I'm not one of them – not anymore."

"Jesy?! I knew it!" Perrie yelped as the curly-haired woman dragged her to a secluded part of the clothing store.

When she was sure the coast was clear, she turned her attention back to the blonde, "You need to leave this place NOW. Meet me here..." she hands Perrie a folded paper. "Whatever you do, do not go back to your hotel room and smash your phone right now. They traced your calls."


"You heard me. I gotta go. I'll see you later!" Jesy puts her hood back on before she scurries out of the store.

Perrie did the same and as soon as she was out of the store, she opened the paper that Jesy gave her and found that it's a map of the city of Oakley, Kansas.

She then hurried out of the mall and stopped by near the hotel where she checked in. That's when she saw the exact floor and room were now in flames. Without a moment to spare, she instantly decided to head over to Jade's shop.

If they were able to trace her calls, then they know she had been calling Jade, and her life could be in danger, too.

It's already dark and Jade's shop is now closed. Perrie went to the back through the fire exit. All the time she's spent hanging out in Jade's shop as she watched the brunette fix her car paid off. Jade's home was on the second floor of the building while her shop occupies the entire ground level.

Jade just got out of the shower five minutes ago and she had just finished getting dressed. She was combing her hair when she saw Perrie's reflection on the mirror.

"What the–" she quickly stood up and spun around to be met by an out-of-breath blonde, a few steps away from her.

"H-Hi..." Perrie smiled at her nervously.

Jade was still in shock at the presence of the blonde before her, and she was quite speechless. "This...this isn't the first date I had in mind with you..."

"Yeah, me too, but...you need to come with me. We have to go." Jade's brows furrowed in confusion. Then, something caught Perrie's eye through Jade's vanity mirror. "GET DOWN!" Perrie yelled as she pushed Jade behind a wall to shield her from the guns being fired in their direction.

The gunshots were so loud it made Jade lose her hearing for a bit. She has no choice but to put her hands on both of her ears. All of her belongings that were put on the shelves were now on the floor, mostly covered by bullet holes.

Jade's heart was hammering hard in her chest, everything was so loud and she's scared to death. Then, she felt she was being pulled by Perrie out of her room. As soon as they were able to get up, they ran to the back of her house, and through the fire exit where Perrie came in earlier.

Jade doesn't have any idea what the hell was going on, all she knows is that they need to run. When they got down the fire escape stairs, they immediately ran to the entrance of the shop's garage.

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