Breathe - IV

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Writing is a great way to let out everything that you are feeling. Often when we feel something new, we do not know what it exactly is. Writing helps you identify your feelings and label it, making it easier for you to understand yourself.

However, as Perrie was writing, flashbacks of her painful past came to her like a surge of flood during a hurricane.

"Are you a nurse here?" Jade asks.


"A doctor?"


"Then what are you doing in my room? I don't know you."

"I'm just...visiting you. I'm Perrie."

Jade shifts on her bed, and since she's still groggy from the drug that the doctors injected in her, she's a bit weak. Perrie was kind enough to hand her a glass of water. Jade stares at her for a second before taking the glass from the blonde.

"Thanks." She mumbled. Perrie smiled and grabbed a chair to sit beside Jade on the bed. The brunette just observed her. "I don't get visitors. It's strange to have you in here."

"You're gonna be seeing me more often."

"I'll be out of here in two days."

"Then, I'll be following you around in two days."

Jade shrugged, "Suit yourself." Jade tries to lay flat on the hospital bed. Her head was still spinning, but for some reason, she already feels better with the blonde stranger in her room talking to her. "My name is Jade."

Perrie smiled even if she already knows her name. "Hello, Jade. Nice meeting you."

Jade looked at the blonde through her peripheral, "You're weird."

"What do you mean I'm weird?" Perrie asks, tilting her head to the side at Jade's statement making the brunette smile for the first time since Perrie came into her room.

"Never mind." Jade answered. Perrie smiled back at her and stayed beside the brunette.

They talked about the most random things, oftentimes nonsense things because of the medicine's effect on Jade. They'll just laugh at whatever Jade felt like saying until the brunette fell asleep.

Perrie stayed, just like what she said. She watched Jade sleep and thought to herself, this girl doesn't need redemption, she just needs comfort. And that's exactly what Perrie is doing.

Guardian angels don't sleep. They are assigned to protect and guide people, groups or nations all day and all night. They can't be seen, too, unless they wanted to be seen. They may be the lowest order of angels, but they play a prominent role and are the most recognized celestial beings. They are at the lowest rank because they bring the divine message to us terrestrial creatures.

From the beginning of time, every soul was assigned a guardian angel the moment it was put into a body, Christian or not. The Creator of the universe gave us an angel so that we would never be alone. It's like having your own personal Batman following you around for protection and to tell you when you should not do something you'll regret later on.

Angels are super-geniuses, even smarter than Tony Stark and Bruce Banner combined. Angels don't think like humans do. Humans use logic to get from one thought to the next. While Angels don't take any intermediate steps, they just reach the conclusion. They have insights constantly. Because of this, they are constantly contemplating things such as humans, other angels, and God.

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