Leap - VI

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As soon as they reached the border of Armenia, Perrie's time device blinked and she knew, it was Jesy trying to contact them. She pressed a button, and a hologram of an annoyed-looking Jesy appeared in front of them.

"Where are you lovebirds?"

"Just passed the border," Perrie answered. "Where are you?"

"We're at the Victoria Bridge. Meet us here as soon as possible."

Perrie nodded, "Copy that." She then swerved around the next conjunction.

"How are you familiar with all the places?" Jade inquired.

Perrie turned her head momentarily to Jade where the brunette saw a thin circle formed on the center of the blonde's right eye pupil. "I'm not familiar, I'm just scanning the place."

"Of course, you can do that!" Jade flails her arms up before dropping them freely on her lap. "You have a portable GPS in your eye. Why didn't you use it the first time we went to Jesy's hideout in Kansas?"

"Jesy's cabin does not exist in any digital form of map or GPS. She kept it hidden from modern technology. The same with her hideout in this place, and her other hideouts all across time. That's why we're going to meet her at the bridge."

"Oh, wow. You guys are dope!"

Perrie slowed down which caused Jade to look ahead the road. Sure enough, they were approaching the bridge. Jade could make out the halo headlights of a black vintage muscle car parked nearby. She also saw Jesy get out from the driver's seat, waving at them.

"Get in my car!" Jesy instructs them.

Perrie and Jade both got out of the supercar and left it on the side of the road before riding Jesy's classic 1964 Pontiac GTO. As usual, the car doesn't look like it could go over 200 miles per hour, but knowing Jesy, it's just a cover. The car's engine roars almost like the Maserati that Perrie and Jade stole.

Jade noticed that most of Jesy's hideouts are located in a forest because they made a left turn to a rocky and uneven road. The ride ought to be bumpy but Jesy could care less, she was still driving crazy fast when she suddenly hit the brakes abruptly. If it hadn't been for the seatbelts, her passengers would've kissed the car's windshield.

"What the–" Leigh looks at Jesy who stared ahead, frozen in place. She looked like she saw a ghost.

When Leigh looked at whatever Jesy was staring at, she saw a woman standing a few feet away from the car with a rocket-launcher that looked like it was installed on her left arm, aimed and ready to shoot at them at a moment's notice.

Perrie's eyes widened at the woman, while Jade remained clueless who that woman is.

"Tay-Tay..." Perrie managed to say out loud.

"She's not your Tay-Tay anymore, Pez," Jesy reminded her.

"You think she'll shoot us?" Leigh asks.

"I know that look. And yes, she'll shoot us!" Perrie blurts out. "WE NEED TO GET OUT, NOW!!!"

Even before they had the chance to open the car, Taylor launched the small anti-tank rocket their way. Their eyes widened while Jade closed her eyes shut, gripping hard on Perrie's hand. She didn't notice that the blonde was hugging her while the rocket was fast approaching them.

And when all of them were expecting to be done for, Jesy and Perrie's door swung open from the outside. They all looked at who the mad person was.

"You have exactly eight seconds to exit the car. MOVE!!!" Taylor ordered.

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