Under Cover - Bonus Chapter

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"Oops! Sorry. Oh, excuse me...Pardon me..." Heart pounding hard against her chest as she makes her way through the crowded halls of the hospital. Since when did the hospital get so crowded? "Dr. Swift!!"

Camila was running from one end of the hospital to the other, all while shouting Taylor's name. "Hey...have you seen Dr. Swift?" she asks one of the nurses at the reception desk.

"I think she's in operating room number thirteen."

"Thanks!" She pats the shoulder of a perplexed green-eyed nurse, whose eyes never leave Camila's figure until she makes a turn on the next hallway.

She finally reached the operating room right after she sterilized herself thoroughly. "Hey! Dr. Swift!" Camila cried through her surgical mask.

Taylor heard her but didn't turn around because she's concentrating on the surgery she's leading. "A little busy here, Cabello...I'll be out in fifteen, I just need to close."

"I got the eleventh ending!!!"

It was the first time Dr. Swift looked up from what she was doing to look at the people that were around her. There were residents together with the interns observing the procedure.

She looks at the senior intern that had a lot of experience up his sleeve. "Styles, can you close this for me?" she asks.

Of course, Dr. Styles was more than happy to close the patient's wound even if he was just only going to do a simple interrupted suture – the most common and simple form of suturing technique.

After Taylor disposed of her surgical gown, mask, and gloves, she got out of the operating room. She and Camila then make their way to her office so the Latina can finally tell her the last and final ending.

Jade and Perrie were walking the buzzing streets of the French market in New Orleans. The streets were thriving with street vendors, selling jewelry, food, books, and clothes all next to each other. There were also musicians playing the jazzy sounds of the saxophone and the romantic thrill of the violin.

It was a bit noisy and Jade doesn't have the slightest idea why of all the streets they could've gone into, she and Perrie were strolling on this one.

Jade continued walking when suddenly Perrie stopped in front of her. This surprised the brunette as she stopped at the beaming blonde.



Even before Jade could finish her sentence, Perrie was already down on one knee. Jade also noticed that the musicians stopped playing, and the chattering stopped, too. Right at that time, Jade already knew what Perrie was about to do.


"I haven't said anything yet," Perrie whispered.

"Oh, sorry...go on..." Jade covered her mouth with her hand, trying to contain her excitement. All she wanted to do right now was jump up and down because the tears of happiness and joy were threatening to spill.

Perrie gazed into Jade's brown orbs with nothing but pure sincerity. "I know from the beginning I wasn't easy to be with. I suffer from something I know I could not change, and that wasn't a valid reason for me to act indifferent around you. But you're just this...amazing person who's very willing to stay committed to understand me...who wants to grow with me..."

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