Under Cover - V

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Jade was startled when she didn't realize she fell asleep. She sat up from her couch and looked behind her only to find that Perrie wasn't there anymore. Jade checks the clock that reads 8 o'clock in the morning. She grabs her phone and sees a missed call from Leigh-Anne with a text message.

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Jade wasted no time and got up and went straight to the bathroom to take a shower and get ready to head over to HQ.

When she got there, she was supposed to drop by the cubicle where Leigh and the rest of the team were but they weren't there. It looked like they were out on the field for their respective assignments, so she decided to head over to Perrie's office.

Jade could see that the blonde is busy reading stocks and files of reports. She knocked to get Perrie's attention, and when the blonde did see her, she smiled at her. And Jade could've sworn her heart did a somersault or two.

"Detective...please, come in." Perrie greets her. Jade got in and sat on the sofa in front of Perrie's oak table. The blonde pulled out something from her drawer and placed it in front of Jade on the table. It was her badge and gun. "You may now return to work, Detective Thirlwall."

Jade looks at her badge then at Perrie before grabbing her badge and gun.

"You may take a rest today and return tomorrow for work, if you want to..." Perrie added.

"Uhm...thanks but I've had enough rest, so..."

It was odd that there was an awkward air between them which was weird because ever since they started their thing, there hasn't been an awkward moment between them until now.

Thankfully, Perrie initiated to break the ice and took Jade's hand in hers. "Jade...I want to apologize to you last night, but I don't want to look insincere because I was drunk. So...I'm sorry for not defending you in front of The Chief."

Jade looks at Perrie in the eye, trying to read if there was an ounce of false apology or pretense in her word, but all she could see was sincerity in those blue orbs that seem to capture every fiber of her being. She smiled and it took a while before Jade could answer.

"Don't worry about it. And uhm...I'm sorry, too...for everything I've said to you in the parking lot."

Perrie shook her head and tightened her grip on Jade's hand. "I deserved that."

"Why don't we start all over again?" Jade suggests. "Let's forget everything that happened." Perrie smiled.

"I'd love that..." Perrie answered, making Jade smile in return.

Then, Perrie's office phone rang. She reluctantly let go of Jade's hand to answer it, while Jade sat straight in her seat.

Jade glances at the folder that Perrie was working on, and notices the reports that Leigh continued. It only meant that Perrie knew about the mark. She looks at Perrie just in time for the blonde to put down the phone.

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