The Aftermath - IV

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It has been two days and Jade hasn't returned to Disora. Taylor tried calling her but the number in their records isn't working.

"How can she be so unprofessional?" Perrie asks, her lips twist into a snarl. "If she doesn't want to work here, she could've at least sent us an email! Even a simple text would do."

"We have enough people on our list, Perrie," Taylor reminds her. "Just let Jade go. Besides, she's not an official employee here anyway."

That seemed to have calmed Perrie a bit as she and Taylor continued their discussion. Even as they were talking about Perrie's plans in expanding Disora, she's still trying her best to ensure that Perrie remains calm for the entire duration of their meeting.

Taylor knows her boss very well. Perrie tends to get angry and frustrated real quick especially when certain situations are out of her control. That says a lot about being a control freak.

Just then, Jade finally arrives at the office with her resignation letter in hand. She's planning to bid her farewell to Taylor and tell her that she won't be able to complete her internship at Disora.

She was shocked, however, when she saw that almost half of the employees on the 10th floor were gone. Their desks were clean. While the remaining ones were busy packing their stuff and putting it in a cardboard box. Then, someone touched Jade's arm.

"Where have you been?" Jesy asks. Jade was startled when Jesy dragged her to her desk.

"What's going on? Why are people cleaning up their desks?"

"The boss decided to change the company–long story. Anyway, where were you? They've been looking for you for two days now. Why didn't you send them an email that you were taking a leave or something."

"Them?" Jade asks, confused as to who could be looking for her aside from Taylor.

"Yes, the boss and the assistant boss."

With furrowed brows, Jade asks, "Oh, I didn't know that my absence was that important to them?"

"It appears so, otherwise, they wouldn't be looking for you. Just...go! Report to the boss right away!" Jesy gently pushes her to the CEO's office when Jade rebuts.

"Okay! I'm only here because I'm quitting. I won't be able to complete my internship anymore."

Jesy stopped in her tracks, "But...wh-why?"

"I'll talk to you later." Jade simply answered. Jesy wasn't able to counter because Jade was quick to walk away and head straight to Perrie's office.

When Jade got in, the two women were in the middle of a discussion and didn't notice her.

"We're supposed to have a meeting with the people who will stay and work for me as we pivot the business, and Jade is delaying it." Perrie taps her pen repeatedly on her journal.

"I haven't talked to her about that either," Taylor admitted. "I'm not even sure if she'll stay or not."

Jade sensed that they were talking about her as she looked at the two women who still weren't aware of her presence. When she finally clears her throat, it's enough to get the attention of Perrie and Taylor.

"I'm here. What's going on?" Jade takes a step forward.

Taylor glances at Perrie before collecting her things and stands up. "I'll leave you two alone. Call me if you need anything." When she passed by Jade as she was heading out, she whispered, "Good luck."

Jade doesn't give a damn about luck. Her job was getting boring and all she wanted was to leave the company. She wanted out.

Perrie, on the other hand, sat wordless behind her desk. This made Jade take the initiative to speak first even if Taylor had warned her to never talk first. But Jade isn't in the mood to follow some stupid rule right now that her gorgeous boss made up.

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