A Twist of Fate - VII

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Tomorrow, our time...

Meet me behind the park.

Jade read Perrie's letter once more. She smiled after reading 'our time'. Perrie hasn't forgotten it yet.

It started when they were five. Their moms used to bring them to the park at 3 o'clock in the afternoon. In 10th grade, Perrie kissed Jade at the park at 3 p.m. In their senior year in high school, Perrie and Jade shared the same subject, Science. Their class was scheduled every 3 p.m.

On weekends, when they were still together, they would always meet at the park at 3 p.m. Having noticed this, that was also the instance where they started calling it 'our time'.

Jade has lots of good memories of what happened at that exact time, but there were also painful ones. Perrie's flight to America after graduating was scheduled to depart at 3 p.m. Ten short years later, they met again in the most awkward situation at 3 p.m.

And today, she's going to meet up with Perrie behind the park at 3 p.m. with a decision that will change both of their lives forever.

When Perrie arrived, she immediately made her way behind the park, only to find that Jade wasn't there yet. She wasn't sure if she was too early or if Jade was running late. Either way, the brunette has ten minutes before the clock strikes three.

She'd be lying if she said her heart wasn't beating fast like a hummingbird eager to be set free. At the back of her mind, she's anxious and scared that Jade might not come at all.

She sits on one of the benches between two large trees. There weren't a lot of people around since they were at the back. Usually, mall-goers would be upfront or in the middle of the lot near the playground, watching over their kids.

A few minutes later, she saw Jade approach her. Perrie smiled as she calmed herself. Jade smiled back, and when she finally reached Perrie, she sat a few inches beside her.

Neither of them said a word. They were just looking at the vast grassy plains and the exotic plants and flowers around them.

"Why did you leave the bar early last night?" Jade broke the ice. "I followed you, but you were gone already."

"I...uhm...didn't expect the song you were singing." Perrie chuckles. "I got so emotional that I didn't want you to see me that way. I didn't know that you wrote songs."

Jade shrugs. "I write just to pass the time. I've written a few songs here and there, but I haven't sung them live. Just that one from last night."

"I think you should let people hear it. You know, hop into a recording studio and put your songs out there."

Jade chuckles a little. "No one will buy them."

"I'll buy it," Perrie blurts out. She smiled at Jade, but her smile faded away when she saw the brunette's expression suddenly change serious. "You're...You're not coming with me, are you?"

Jade shakes her head and looks down. Perrie fell silent. All her feelings of yearning and hope dissipate. Jade then takes Perrie's hand on hers.

"I came here so we could have a proper closure," Jade said. "I'm sorry about running away and leaving you with nothing but a stupid letter. I know that was a long time ago, but I feel I owe you an apology. It was a terrible, terrible move."

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