Under Cover - X

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"Dr. Swift!" Camila cried. "I'm done with my rounds, what else do you need?"

Taylor was filling out the white board for their schedule that day when Camila barged in. She glanced at the Latina who was still catching her breath, clutching charts and a book underneath it. Taylor catches a glimpse of the book.

"What's that book you got there, Cabello?"

Camila peeks at the book she's holding. "Oh! It's a book by P. Edwards called The Undercover."

Taylor smiles, "I've always wanted to finish reading that book, but can't find time to do so. Do you mind telling me the part where I left off?"

"Sure thing! I would love to," Camila beamed. "Which part did you stop at?"

Taylor continues to write on the white board, "The part where Louise talked to her Uncle. I want to know what her Uncle told Louise that made her decide to let Amelia go."

"Oh! That's the most exciting part...except for the ending, of course." Taylor glances at the Latina once more before returning her attention to the white board while Camila starts to tell her the story. "Alright...so, major plot twist. Remember the old man that Louise's great, great, great grandfather helped eons ago?"


"Right! He happens to be the Uncle's great great grandfather! In short, the old man was Amelia's great, great, great grandfather! He was a spiritual alchemist in our world, but in Amelia's world, he was the greatest sorcerer! When he gave the Flame of the Alchemist's mark to Louise's great, great, great grandfather, that's when Louise's bloodline started! So, technically, Louise and Amelia's bloodline started from him!"

"Oh-kay? But what does it have to do with Louise letting go of Amelia?" Taylor asks with knitted brows.

Camila puts a finger up, "Almost there. Patience, Doctor..." Taylor sighs and urges her protégé to continue. "So, we all know that the Uncle has been in Louise's world way before Amelia came in – he was apparently, the best friend of Louise's father. That's because her Uncle was chosen to be the Spiritual Guide of Louise's father! But, of course, they don't know that because they are not allowed to reveal their true identity."

Little by little it started to make sense in Taylor's head. But the way Camila is explaining it, she hates to admit that it is in fact testing her patience.

"A Spiritual Guide's job is to guide the people with the Flame of the Alchemist mark. The Uncle fulfilled his responsibility by being the great friend of Louise–not just to her father–but to her whole family. He treated them as his own. For Louise and her siblings, he's like their second dad. But you know...bad things happened. The killing and stuff – Louise hid her true identity. The Uncle didn't know she survived her family's massacre until years had passed–"

"Cut to the chase, Mila!" Taylor spins around and rests her arm across her chest, all while tapping her shoe on the sterile floor, like an impatient teacher.

"Right! When the attack happened – you know, the part where a sniper was aiming at Louise's head–Amelia opened the gate to another universe to save her. The Uncle instantly senses that strong magic. When he reached the scene, he saw his daughter unconscious with blood on her head. Any father who'd see their daughter get hurt, will immediately get mad, panic, and seek out who has hurt her. But Amelia's father kept calm. He knew his daughter was fine. He let the paramedics take his daughter to the hospital. That's when he put the pieces together that Louise and Amelia knew each other. And that the only person he ever talked to about her daughter and Louise was no other than..."


"Nope. The Chief." Camila grinned. "Even before Louise told The Chief about her adventures with Amelia in the other universe, The Chief already knew everything about it because the Uncle revealed everything to her! But she didn't tell Louise because Louise needs to hear it directly from her Uncle."

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