Chapter 1

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The beginning of disasters


Just a normal day at The Land of Light
Every ultra warriors are currently doing their most activity.

Mebius : Uwahh, finally done with my last mission!

The cute ultra just finally got to relax after a few mission. But just he want to walk away, someone was greetings him.

??? : Hey, Mebius!

Mebius : Hm? Oh,cosmos - san. What are you doing here? I thought you still have duties at the lab?

Cosmos : I'm just taking a break. I see that you have done all your missions. Zoffy - san really give you a lot mission this days.

Mebius : I'm okay with it. I'm happy that I could help everyone. *Smile brightly*

Cosmos : (How precious he is) Well I better go. Oh and by the way,Hikari ask me to tell you that he need you at the lab at 5.

It's currently 1:23pm. The time that most of the ultra warriors busiest time

Mebius : Owh ok,I will. I'm just gonna go to Seven-niisan.

Cosmos : Alright,bye Mebius. Have a great day!

Mebius : you too cosmos - san!

Both ultra goes to different ways. Mebius who is running to a place that is important.

??? : Where is he? He is late!

??? : Could you please be patient with him.

??? : He need to know how important time is! What if there is emergency?!


???&??? : ....

Suddenly the doors that was shut got open widely and there is Mebius who is taking breath from running.

??? : Finally you are here. Where were you??

Mebius : Sorry,Leo - nii. I was just got back from my missions.

Leo : it just your excuses!

??? : Can you not burst out your anger at him. He do nothing wrong to you!

Mebius : it fine,taro - nii. It's my fault..

Taro : But-

??? : Calm down all of you.

The cold ultra who is just standing there watching the fight between the three ultra. Ultra Seven.

Seven : Mebius,I'm glad that you could make it here. Sorry if I'm disturbing you.

Mebius : it fine Nii - san. Can I ask? What am I doing here? Is there something wrong?

Seven : nothing,it just that we will be having a meeting and I don't want you to be late in this meeting.

Mebius : Owh,what meeting it going to be?

Taro : you will find out soon!

Leo : we know how late you can be if we told you right before the meeting,so seven ask you to come here an hour before the meeting.

Mebius : I'm sorry,because of me you guys need to call me earlier

Taro : it fine,we just got info that the meeting will start in 20 minutes! So you are not late today!

Seven : well let just go to the meeting room,it takes 5 minutes to get there so let's go now.

Everyone: Ok!


Sorry if this kinda of short and boring,I'm new with writing stories. Hope you will enjoy this story

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