Chapter 5

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The meeting with them


Seven let go from the hug and look at Mebius,his eyes and nose was red because of crying.

Seven : Are you feeling better,Mebius?

Mebius still keep silent and try to avoid eyes contact with Seven. Seven then sigh and stood up. Grabbing Mebius hand gently and slowly pulling it to make him get up. Mebius just follow Seven's action as they walk to a room. Mebius was confused and stop right in front of the room when Seven was trying to open the door.

Seven : is something wrong, Mebius?

Mebius looks at Seven making it looks like he is confused to Seven. Seven understand what Mebius is trying to say by his expression.

Seven : it's fine,it not like I'm gonna do anything to you. This is a room that we release stress. Well some of us.

Mebius was still confused as Seven open the door. It was dark but as Seven is holding his hand,he still feels safe. The room became brighter and Mebius could see the inside of the room. He saw a few bean bags,a shelf with lots of books,[let's just say they do have books to read but just for hobbies and all] and a lot of other things. Mebius was mesmerized by looking at the room.

Seven : Do whatever you wants. This room is yours today. I need to the somethings,call me if you need me.

Seven that was leaning at the wall and was looking at Mebius start to talk. Mebius then nods and Seven goes out from the room. He go to Zoffy's office and see three ultra in there,it was Zoffy that's sitting on his chair and Leo and Taro that standing in front of him. Seven walks into the room and stand beside Zoffy

Seven : Do you guys know what you have done today.

The room become scary because of Seven,his face was on serious mode the same as Zoffy. Both Leo and Taro just standing there,not dare to look at them. They were just looking at the crystal floor, hoping there nothing bad going to happen to them.

Zoffy : *sigh* Leo,I can't believe what you did. You making a fuss while we are briefing and you just humiliating Mebius right in front of everyone. Insulting your own brother..

Leo flinch by hearing what Zoffy just said,he still couldn't believe what he just said to Mebius.

Zoffy : and you,Taro.

By the tones of his voice,it sounds like he want Taro to look at him at the face. Taro look at Zoffy slowly don't want to but he need to obey his brother.

Zoffy : it's good that you protecting Mebius but you can't just make a fuss like that. I know you concerned for Mebius but you can't shout at the briefing room. You should at least ask me to stop Leo instead of just fighting in front of everyone. It both you fault today and I hope you both could apologies to Mebius right away.

The room became silent after Zoffy talking to them. They both nods.

Zoffy : well.. it's not the best time to ask his forgiveness now but it's doesn't mean that you don't have to apologize. Please come back to the briefing room again at 2:00p.m [it's 12:02]

Both of them goes out from the room leaving Zoffy and Taro alone.

Zoffy : have you found him?

Seven : yes,and I took him to the room.

Zoffy : oh,where did you found him?

Seven : at Sakura room. You know that he likes to go there,so I got the idea to check in there.

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