Venus's backstory

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|Venus's POV|

Hi! I'm Venus, Ultrawoman Venus. I am one of the Silver Cross Aid member. I was known as one of the most skilled member at the Medical Wings but I definitely can't beat my friend, Marie. The Silver Cross Aid Commander, she is better than me in everything! I always adore her as my partner and friend.

I also is a writer, I makes a lot kinds of books but there is a special book I hide in the Ultra Archive. My whole life, I've been study many things such as living things, aliens, monsters and dimensions. There are also useful experiences for the future, which I have written in the book. No one knows about the book, because not many people go to the Ultra Archive now and it's pretty hidden. But I have predicted that something will happen and my book will probably be useful, so I will leave it for anyone who needs it.

I am actually dating someone... well.. soon to be his wife! His name is Melos! He is one of the Inter Galactic Defence Force member. He also has a best friend there, he is Marie's husband. His name is Ken and is the Supreme Commander. Ken and Marie has been married for thousands of years now! They already have 6 children. I kinda jealous of Marie.. she got everything I have dreamed of but soon, I will be married to Melos.

After a few years later, Me and Melos are married. We were thinking about having a child of our own. So, we headed to the Capsule Birth Room at the Medical Wings. Soon, we will have a son ..

|Normal POV|

??? : Congrats, you have a cute baby boy! Venus -san, he have a lot similarities with you!

Venus : *chuckle* thanks, Rin. Oh and, may I ask something?

Rin : sure! What's it?

Venus : where's Marie? I didn't see her for a while now.

Rin : ah, she couldn't come here because something important was discussed by upper superiors. Nothing was informed yet so we don't have to worry.

Venus : ahh, I understand. Thanks again, Rin. Come on, love.

Melos : hm? Oh yeah, sorry.

Venus : is something wrong? You look worried..

Melos : it's nothing.. Ken asked me to come to the HQ but I said I am busy. I don't want to miss this opportunity to have some time with my beautiful wife and my cute son.

Venus : *giggles* oh, love.. well, I have been meaning to ask you about this, what should we name him?

Melos : hm.. well, you saw some kind of symbol when Mebius was in the capsule, right?

Venus : uhh.. yeah, I think. It's kinda looks like infinite loop? Wait, is it Infinity or Infinite are we gonna name him?? *Already excited*

Melos : hmm.. how about.. the word moebius but let's call him, Mebius.

Venus : it's kinda sound the same?

Melos : yea, a bit. And it has different spellings, that is how we could tell the difference.

Venus : I love that! Mebius.. Ultraman Mebius..

Melos : I'm glad..


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