Chapter 15

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Something is wrong...

Before I continue,this chapter have topic such as :
/Mean words/
/self harm /
If you don't like this I'm sorry

Nurse : alright! You can go now, Mebius.

Mebius : thanks,Fonia!

Nurse : not a problem!.. Worthless..

Mebius : I'm sorry,what did you say?

Nurse : Hm? What you mean? Can't even hear something clearly huh?

Mebius : w-what do you m-mean by that.?

Nurse : uhh..I will just go.. useless brat. *Goes out from the room*

Mebius : ( I swear..I hear her saying something.. might be just my imagination..)

Mebius : I'm still feel weird about what happened this morning...Huh?

???1 : ugh,this stupid ultra again?

???2 : he doesn't deserve to be one of the ultra brothers,he is too weak!

???3 : Huh! He just want to prove himself that he's just useful but the reality he is useless!

Mebius : ( what? Why is everyone staring at me like that...I don't like this..)

Mebius started to feel nervous and just run somewhere he could be safe with. He run to the lounge.

Mebius : Niisan! Why is everyone being weird today??

Zoffy : what do you mean? People just say what they think about you,you can't deny it. You're nothing. You will never be good as us.

Mebius : H-Huh??

Seven : Mebius? What? You think you're like us? You're an idiot, worthless ultra,I regret having you as my brother.

Mebius : s-stop! Please!

Ultraman : Mebius? *Walk towards Mebius* I wish you're dead! I hope you will die in suffering! You're a burden to us!

Mebius : Please! Stop it!

Mebius begin to cry.

Taro : What wrong? Scared? You're a coward, weakling,you shouldn't be with us. I can't believe I have a student like you! *Punch Mebius*

Mebius : Argh! Why?? Stop please! Please stop it!

Mebius runs out from there,he doesn't want to feel being humiliating by everyone. He runs to his apartment and locked himself there.

Mebius : W-Why is everyone like this?! Why did everyone change??


You're nothing without anyone saving you!

Why are you here?! Disgusting!

Ugh,him? He being called strong but his brothers always come to save him!

How did he even one of the ultra brothers? Maybe they're using him.

Ultraman Mebius {The Sunshine's Life}Where stories live. Discover now