Chapter 37

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Before anyone could answer it, someone interrupt it by fake coughing. The ultra stand up and talk again.

Taro : let's not talk about that. That person was not important.

Mebius : oh.. but.. I do wanna know who was the woman that was yelling.. I never remember meeting her before but her voice.... I heard that voice before...but can't remember when..

Everyone look at Mebius with a nervous look as he is questioning about it. Zoffy that is the first one to break the silence before Mebius get suspicious by fake coughing again.

Zoffy : ehem... Mebius, we told you, it's no one important. It was only an ultrawoman that was helping us on the war. Just a stranger ultra, maybe that you said you've heard the voice maybe because you've met the person once before.

Ultraman : ah! Yep! It's what, Zoffy said, maybe it's like that.

Mebius : well.. I guess. Sorry.. I've been... away for so long that I keep questioning stuffs...

Taiga : it's okay, Mebius! As long as you're here and safe, everything is just fine!

Seven : agree. But now, we are adjusting you for now since we are going to make difference here since the risk of you getting into troubles is high now.

Jack : and since it's been so long since you were in missions or duties, you're just going to be training for now. Stabilising yourself back.

Ace : that's mean, you're not in your senior rank now! Back to junior, Mebi. You also will be needing someone to help your training.

Taro : and that would be-

Ace : Zero.

Taro : yea- WAIT WHAT?!

Zero : HAA??!

Taro : What do you mean by that?! I'm Mebius master for like, his whole life! How come Zero would be his master?- HE IS LITERALLY YOUNGER THAT MEBIUS!

FatherU : Taro, mind your tones. Mind your manners. This is still a meeting.

Taro : but-

Zoffy : no buts. It already been decided. You're busy now so you can't train Mebius only. You're an instructor at the Ultra Colosseum, Taro. You have other things to do too.

Taro : but- ugh...

Zoffy : But we know Zero might not have time to train Mebius so we also think, maybe Mebius will be needing two masters. We decide, we will choose Tiga to be Mebius's master.

Hikari : WHAT?!

Dyna : woah! Damn!

Dyna was surprised but he is also curious why Tiga didn't like shout too or at least said he is surprised. Dyna look at Tiga and was annoyed to see Tiga was not paying attention to what Zoffy just said. Tiga is just staring at Mebius thi whole time and Mebius didn't even realise that. Dyna sighed and smack Tiga's head, making him hissed in pain a bit.

Tiga : OW! What??

Dyna : didn't you hear what Zoffy just said??

Tiga : huh? What is it..?

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