Chapter 36

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Marie is in her office, trying to heal her injured arm. It was weird that her arm didn't heal yet and or didn't even show any recovering.

Marie : this is very weird.. why didn't it heal yet?

Marie tried scanning her arm multiple times but nothing weird is showing in the scanner, like it's normal. Marie start to get anxious about it. Her arm never get better but even more in pain. She thought maybe something bad would happen to herself if she doesn't find the cure but what is the cure for it?


Taro : ugh, why can't you do anything right?!

??? : I'm so sorry instructor Taro! I-i

Taro : quit stuttering! Continue your training!

??? : H-hai!

Jack : Taro

Taro : what?!

Jack : why are you acting like this? You should be going easy on them. They're still young.

Taro : we should teach them to be tough! If we're to soft on them will only lead them to be weak!

Jack : usually.. Leo would say that.. are you okay?

Taro : yes I am. Why wouldn't I be?

Jack : you sure..? Ever since Mebius-

Taro : stop it! Don't say anything! He is safe now and that's it!

Jack : ...

While they were talking.. or arguing..
There is some people that is watching from afar, listening to the conversation they had.

X : Instructor Taro really is in a bad mood.

Orb : obviously.. after the.. and he might still waiting for him to wakes up.

Victory : you've been silent this whole time, you okay?

Ginga : yeah.. I'm fine. I just feel bad for Taro.. he is stressing out and..

Victory : he is gonna be okay..




|Mebius's POV|

( What.. happened?
Wait, where am I? )

I wake up at a.. Medical Wings bedroom. What exactly happened to me? I.. don't remember anything.. much.. I check my surroundings.. everything is clean and peaceful.. I'm not in that dark realms anymore..

" Wait.. I'm not in that dark realms.. does that mean..? "

Suddenly an ultra come in to my room and when I look at them, their faces looked so shocked as if they had seen a ghost. They immediately left the room while calling someone.

I'm.. so confused.. what I only remember is that.. I'm in the dark realms.. with.. Akuma.. -san..

/If any of you don't get it, he remembered everything about Akuma. Their first met and where it's started and all/

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