Chapter 8

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The end of the disease

Before we continue this,I just want to warn you this chapter kinda a bit romance or something I dunno. But it's not smut/lemon as people called it that. Sorry if you don't like that kind of parts,if you don't like it please do tell me or I would just continue with my ideas.

The securities in the hospital check Mebius's room for some informations. But was hopeless,all they found was just the crystals on the floor. The securities give it to Zoffy since Zoffy asked for it. The handed Zoffy the crystals and leave them.

Zoffy : we got the crystals but we need to get Mebius back..again..

Jack : ughhh.. what's wrong with those people?! Can't they just find their own Mebius?

Ace : like if they have.. Mebius don't have any copy or someone that looks like him. It's impossible.

Everyone looked at Ace and this time they are not glaring.

Ultraman : what do you mean by that?

Ace : what? You didn't know? He's not related to us or something. I forgot

Zoffy : wait what? He's not related to us or something? And what do you mean you forgot??

Ace : well I can't remember it clearly but let just forget it. I might be bluffing

Ace then got hit by Zoffy.

Ace : ow! Why do you guys abuse me??

Seven : it not a abuse if you don't stop saying things that make us angry.

Taro : well, let's just focus to Mebius. Why he was targeted to that 4 brothers?

Leo : Might be something we don't know and we need to discover that.

Seven : I agree. Maybe we could at least ask Hikari about this. He has been discharged right?

Hikari : How many times do I have to tell you?! Ask and knocks before coming in!

Zero : Well I can't remember that cause I have a lot of things to do, right Taiga?

Taiga : yea yea,Hikari -senpai,
[ I don't know what they call each other, let's just use this okay? I didn't watch certain series and movies so I don't know anything much]   are you busy? Because I want you to see your laboratory.

Hikari : yea whatever,just don't touch anything..

The door got open and it was the ultra brothers..[yeah they do appears every chapters,let them be the main characters now]

Zoffy : Hey Hikari. We need to ask you somethings.

Hikari : yea,sure. What's it?

Seven : Zero,Taiga. Get out please.

Zero : but we just got here!

Leo : what? You want more trainings?

Zero immediately runs out the room with Taiga. Man really scared with his training.

Ultraman : we need to ask you about Mebius.

Hikari : well,I think I can answer your questions.. now what is it?

Jack : is there something unusual about Mebius? Like you know.. something special about him but we know he is special to us.

Hikari : well,that kind of question kinda tricky.. Mebius is like a magnet!

Taro : magnet?

Hikari : yeah,he would makes anyone attached to him. Everyone would fall for him because of his personalities,looks and all.

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